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Logo is a simple programming language usually taught in US grade school and UK primary school. At basic level, it revolves around manipulating the TURTLE around the screen to draw simple line art images.

Many programs implement it; sometimes, such as in the UK educational suite Textease, it is not even named as "Logo".

Various interpreters can be found here.

Development of Logo originally began on a PDP-1 at BBN in the mid-1960s. It was later rewritten to run on a PDP-10. When most of the Logo group moved to MIT, the PDP-10 version was ported to ITS and was called CLOGO. The group got their own computer: a PDP-11/45. Logo was moved again; this new version was called 11LOGO and implemented a standalone timesharing system. In order to utilize the computer for other tasks, a new timesharing system called SITS was implemented and 11LOGO was ported to that. After this, focus moved to to a plethora of microcomputer implementations.