The ferry we took from Oslo to Fredrikshavn |
Moria walking towards the railway station |
Free Software Foundation - busily working to distribute free software everywhere! |
"The dullest town on earth!" |
Train tracks! |
Here you can see one of Denmark's many fans; not many know that Denmark, together with the Netherlands, generate most of the wind in the world. |
The train taking us to Fredricia arrives. |
The magnificent steam-powered telex! |
Moria and Ben Hutchings. |
More steam. Whoo! |
Wolfgang Stief! |
Nattie looking very butch indeed. |
Nattie looking far, far less butch. |
The congress hall, from the outside. Notice the jolly roger flags. Wonderful! |
Moria, successfully crossing the street. |
Trabants! |
More Trabants! |
Another Trabant! Ich liebe meinen Trabi! |
Noch einen Trabi! |
An East German building - to be demolished. |
Some wonderful graffiti on said building. :) |
A questionable portrait of me, with an IP address in my hair. |
Hanna! |
Holger! |
OLPC people, with XOs! |
Tobias! |
Someone who had developed a PDP-8 front panel, complete with a Teletype interface. |
What on earth can you use a Telex for nowadays? Why, ASCII art pinups, of course. |
An interesting construction: Coloured LEDs in a tub of smoke. Made for a very beautiful effect. |
The colours are far stronger than the photo shows. |
A nice 3D grid of colour LEDs, with some hackers in the background. |
East German architecture at its most interesting... |
Ampelmännchen! |
More "beautiful" architecture. |
Moria almost looking Russian. |
A typewriter at the DDR museum. |
Who on earth wrote this? Fascinating... I guess they truly are Legion. |
Moria looking more sane than usual. |
This bears a striking resemblance to an ABBA album, don't you think? |
Me reading a magazine on the train home, wearing a souvenir I bought by the Museum. |
Someone badly needs a spelling class! (For the scandinavically impaired: The sign tries to read "We wish for everyone to have a happy new year", but successfully fails to spell "ønsker", "alle", and "nyttår", yielding a 50% failure rate! |