From Computer History Wiki
The CADR was the first successful LISP machine, built by the MIT AI Lab as a follow-on to the prototype CONS machine. Many were produced by the AI Lab; several startups (including Symbolics and LMI) produced direct descendants.
Physically, the microcoded CPU was a single huge wire-wrap swing-out bay mounted in the front of an H960 rack. A separate backplane held main memory cards, I/O cards, etc.

The Knight keyboard was used with the MIT-AI ITS machine and CADRs; this is a rendition of the layout
External links
- CADR - AI Memo 528
- CADR - Bitsavers
- cadr2/mit/ - much MIT CADR material
- Retrocomputing - MIT CADR Lisp Machines - includes emulator, complete sources, and bootable disk images
- LM-3 --- resurrecting the MIT CADR - contains much interesting historical material, as well as current simulation work
- Images