Darwin 8.0.1 Release notes

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 Darwin 8.0.1 Release Notes
 April 29, 2005

The Darwin 8.0.1 Installation CD is based on the Darwin source
release which corresponds to Mac OS X 10.4 (Darwin is the core
of Mac OS X).

Please visit <http://developer.apple.com/darwin/> for more
information about Darwin, and <http://www.apple.com/macosx/>
for more information about Mac OS X.

Table Of Contents
1.  Supported Hardware
2.  Installation Instructions
    a.  PowerPC-based Macintosh computers
    b.  x86-based personal computers
3.  Major Changes Since Darwin 7.0.1
4.  Known Issues
5.  Obtaining the Source Code
6.  Additional Information
7.  Licensing Information

Supported Hardware

Darwin 8.0.1 should install and boot on all PowerPC-based Macintosh
computers supported by Mac OS X 10.4.

Additionally, Darwin 8.0.1 supports many x86-based personal computers.

See <http://www.opendarwin.org/hardware/> for a community-maintained
site that lists hardware that has been found to work.

Installation Instructions

   When preparing your system to install Darwin, it is a good idea 
   to disconnect all hard drives other than the target disk.  This
   is to prevent the accidental destruction of data on the wrong disk.  

   It is recommended that you install Darwin onto a partition that
   is at least 3.0GB in size.

0) Retrieve this CD image from one of the following URLs:

   For PowerPC:

   For x86:

1) The disk images are gzipped. Use 'gunzip' or double-click the icon in the
   Finder to extract the image.

2) Burn the CD image to CD.
   After downloading the CD image, you'll need to write that image
   to a CDROM.  The installation image is a bootable HFS+ volume for PowerPC,
   and a ISO-9660 El-Torito disk image for x86.

   If you have an OS X system with a CD burner, you can burn the CD
   image using Disk Copy.  Select Image->Burn Image from the menu bar.
   If you have a *BSD or Linux system with a CD burner, you can burn the 
   CD image using cdrecord.  See the cdrecord man page for information.

Installation Instructions (PowerPC-based Macintosh computers)

3) Boot from the CD image
   Insert the CD image into the CDROM drive, and reboot.  Hold down the
   'c' key while rebooting to boot off the CD.

   When the machine boots off the CD, you will see a screen with a black
   background and white text.  Much text will scroll by, and you will
   eventually be prompted for installation questions.

4) Select the disk to install onto.
   When the CD has finished booting, you will be prompted with the
   following question:
        The following devices are available for installation:
	1. <disk id string> @ disk1 (<size>)
	Which device would you like to install Darwin onto? 

   Enter the number (on the far left) of the device you'd like
   to install Darwin/PPC on.

   At this point you can also enter the word "shell" to enter
   an emergency shell.  This should not be needed for normal

5) Select the partition to install onto.
   After selecting the disk to install into, you must choose a
   partition.  You will be prompted as follows:

     Which (Apple_HFS) partition would you like to install into:
     #:                type name                    length   base      ( size )
     1: Apple_partition_map Apple                       63 @ 1        
     2:          Apple_Free                         262144 @ 64        (128.0M)
     3:           Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_1  31195136 @ 262208    ( 14.9G)
     Your Choice:

   The choices are displayed in the form of 
   #) <partition number> <partition type> <partition name>
   You should choose the partition number you want to install into.
   You should never choose partitions of type other than Apple_HFS
   unless you know what you're doing.  

6) Do you want the partition erased or not?
   The install script will prompt you for whether you want to do a
   clean install or not.  Answering "yes" will newfs_hfs the partition
   and begin installing Darwin/PPC.
   If you choose "no" here, the partition will not be newfs'd but
   the installer will begin extracting files over the top of whatever
   is on the disk.  Doing a clean install is the recommended method.

7) Wait. 
   The installer will copy Darwin/PPC packages onto the destination partition.

8) Setup.
   After installation, you will be prompted to enter a root password.
   You will also be prompted to enter a name for the computer (for Bonjour).
9) Reboot.
   When the install script is finished, it will give you the choice
   of rebooting or spawning a shell.  Unless you have post-install
   things you wish to do, such as adding additional accounts, you
   should reboot the system and remove the install CD from the CDROM drive.
10) Login.
   After reboot your machine should be running Darwin/PPC, log in and enjoy!

Installation Instructions (x86-based personal computers)

3) Boot from the CD image
   When booting off the CDROM, the first screen you'll see is a
   bootloader prompt.  You should not need to enter any flags to the
   bootloader, so either press enter to continue, or wait 10 seconds
   and the boot process will continue automatically. 

4) Select the disk to install onto.
   After the boot process continues, you will see diagnostic
   output from the kernel, and you will end up at an installation
   prompt.  The installation prompt will list the devices it found
   to potentially install Darwin/x86 onto:

        The following devices are available for installation:
        1. [ Vendor String ] @ /dev/disk0 (size)
        2. [ Vendor String ] @ /dev/disk1 (size)
        Which device would you like to install Darwin onto?

   Enter the number (on the far left) of the device you'd like
   to install Darwin/x86 on.

   At this point you can also enter the word "shell" to enter
   an emergency shell.  This should not be needed for normal

5) Select the partition to install onto.
   After entering the disk you wish to install Darwin/x86 onto,
   the install script will give you the following prompt:

        1) Auto-partition the disk (Destroys all disk contents)
        2) Manually partition the disk using fdisk

   If your disk is already partitioned, you will get a third option:

        3) Use existing partitions

   The first option (Auto-partition) will destroy the contents of
   the disk and create a single Apple HFS+ (journaled) filesystem partition.
   This is the preferred option.

   The second option (Manually partition) will run the Darwin/x86
   fdisk utility.  Use this only if you know which partition scheme
   you want.  This option can also destroy all contents of the
   selected disk.  If you choose this option, you must create an
   Apple HFS+ (journaled) partition of type 0xAF.

   The third option will let you install Darwin/x86 onto an already
   existing partition.  Make sure you already have the partitions
   from option 2 set up.  The install script will ask you which
   partition you would like to use for your root partition.
   All contents of that partition will be destroyed.

6) Wait.
   The installer will copy Darwin/x86 packages onto the destination partition.

7) Setup.
   After installation, you will be prompted to enter a root password.
   You will also be prompted to enter a name for the computer (for Bonjour).

8) Reboot.
   When the install script is finished, it will give you the choice
   of rebooting or spawning a shell.  Unless you have post-install
   things you wish to do, such as adding additional accounts, you
   should reboot the system and remove the install CD from the CDROM drive.

8) Login.
   After reboot your machine should be running Darwin, log in and enjoy!

Major Changes Since Darwin 7.0.1

*  PowerPC 64-bit support.

*  Darwin/x86 installs onto and boots from an HFS+ (journaled) partition.

*  GCC-4.0

*  Enhanced dlopen(3) API support.

*  Korn shell (ksh) included.

*  launchd, a dynamic system management daemon, replaces SystemStarter and init

*  And much more ...

Known Issues

PowerPC-based Macintosh computers:

*  AirPort wireless cards are detected, but cannot be configured.

x86-based personal computers:

*  IDE drives may not work on x86.  Try it, if it doesn't work,
   it's a known problem.

*  Video cards must support VESA 2.0 framebuffer modes on x86.
   Try it, if your console looks weird, or doesn't appear, it's a
   known problem.

Obtaining the Source Code

The source code is available via the web at:


This Installation CD was created using the Darwin Build Scripts available at:


Additional Information

Comments and Questions can be directed to the
'darwinos-users@lists.apple.com' and
'darwin-development@lists.apple.com' mailing lists,
to which one can subscribe to via the following URLs:


You may also wish to subscribe to the 'hackers@opendarwin.org'
mailing list at OpenDarwin, a community-driven project dedicated
to enhancing Darwin.


From the OpenDarwin web site <http://www.opendarwin.org/>:

"OpenDarwin.org, jointly founded in April 2002 by Internet Software
Consortium, Inc. (ISC) and Apple, is an attempt to take cooperative
Darwin development to the next level.  Membership in the OpenDarwin
project and access to its works are open to everyone. The project is
also fully independent, with control over its own web site, project
news, bug tracking information and CVS repository, as well as any
other services that the community owners may wish to provide.
Neither Apple nor ISC take any responsibility for, or exercise any
editorial control over, the OpenDarwin project."

OpenDarwin also maintains a FAQ:

Licensing Information

IMPORTANT LICENSING INFORMATION:  The Apple-developed portions of the
Source Code and corresponding binary package folders are covered by the
Apple Public Source License Version 2.0 that can be found on this CD in the
file /APPLE_LICENSE.txt.

The Apple binary drivers and kernel extension files are covered by a separate
Apple Binary Driver Software License Agreement that can be found on this CD in

Other portions of Darwin may be covered by third party licenses.  Please
read these licenses carefully before using any of this software, as your use
of this software signifies that you have read the licenses and that you
accept and agree to their respective terms.  Please see the file
/Library/Documentation/Acknowledgements.rtf on this CD for more information.

Please read all these licenses carefully before using any of this software, 
as your use of this software signifies that you have read the licenses and 
that you accept and agree to their respective terms.

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