Difference between revisions of "RT-11"

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m (Proper cat, +links)
m (@ command: fmt)
Line 138: Line 138:
If you are using a terminal that requires fill characters,
If you are using a terminal that requires fill characters,
modify location 56 with a Deposit command before proceeding with
modify location 56 with a Deposit command before proceeding
system installation. LA36 DECwriter II and VT52 DECscope terminals do NOT require such modification.
with system installation. LA36 DECwriter II and VT52 DECscope
terminals do NOT require such modification.

Revision as of 23:09, 20 October 2018

RT-11 was an operating system for the PDP-11. Overall it has a very OS/8 feel to it.


The file system is like that of OS/8 in that files are stored contiguously on the disk. If a new file does not fit in a 'hole' left by an old deleted file, the files on the disk must be moved together to create a larger area of free space. http://www.vaxdungeon.com/

INITIALIZE (format floppy)

Device names

(n is the numerical designation of the drive unit)

  • DLn: RL01 disk cartridge
  • DMn: RK06 disk cartridge
  • DPn: RP02 or RP03 disk
  • DSn: RJS03/4 disk
  • DTn: TC11 DECtape
  • DXn: RX01 diskette
  • MMn: TU16 magtape
  • MTn: TU10 or TS03 magtape
  • RFn: RF11 fixed head disk drive
  • RKn: RK05 disk cartridge
  • DDn: TU58 DECtape II
  • DKn: Logical device, user drive
  • SYn: Logical device, disk n on the boot controller

dungeon instructions & image. http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/5517/pdp11.htm console floppies http://www.headcrashers.org/comp/rx01/


These are a few commands that I've managed to work out, in no particular order.

COPY command

The copy command is a little weird in how wildcards work.

copy dx0:*.* *.*

Is the best way to copy the disk files into the working disk.....

DIR command

Just like MS-DOS


SWAP  .SYS    25  01-Feb-82      RT11BL.SYS    65  01-Feb-82
RT11SJ.SYS    67  01-Feb-82      RT11FB.SYS    80  01-Feb-82
TT    .SYS     2  01-Feb-82      DT    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82
DP    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82      DX    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82
DY    .SYS     4  01-Feb-82      RF    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82
RK    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82      DL    .SYS     4  01-Feb-82
DM    .SYS     5  01-Feb-82      DS    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82
DD    .SYS     5  01-Feb-82      MT    .SYS     9  01-Feb-82
MM    .SYS     9  01-Feb-82      MS    .SYS    10  01-Feb-82
LP    .SYS     2  01-Feb-82      LS    .SYS     2  01-Feb-82
CR    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82      NL    .SYS     2  01-Feb-82
PC    .SYS     2  01-Feb-82      PD    .SYS     3  01-Feb-82
CT    .SYS     6  01-Feb-82      BA    .SYS     7  01-Feb-82
PIP   .SAV    23  01-Feb-82      DUP   .SAV    41  01-Feb-82
DIR   .SAV    17  01-Feb-82      FORMAT.SAV    19  01-Feb-82
SLP   .SAV     9  01-Feb-82      SIPP  .SAV    20  01-Feb-82
STARTS.COM     1  01-Feb-82      STARTF.COM     1  01-Feb-82
V4USER.TXT     1  01-Feb-82      CREF  .SAV     6  01-Feb-82
DUMP  .SAV     8  01-Feb-82      MBOT16.BOT     1  01-Feb-82
RESORC.SAV    15  01-Feb-82      SYSMAC.SML    42  01-Feb-82
EDIT  .SAV    19  01-Feb-82      KED   .SAV    60  01-Feb-82
K52   .SAV    55  01-Feb-82      TECO  .SAV    50  01-Feb-82
MACRO .SAV    51  01-Feb-82      MAC8K .SAV    56  01-Feb-82
LINK  .SAV    41  01-Feb-82      LIBR  .SAV    22  01-Feb-82
FILEX .SAV    18  01-Feb-82      SRCCOM.SAV    13  01-Feb-82
BINCOM.SAV    10  01-Feb-82      MTHD  .SYS     4  01-Feb-82
MMHD  .SYS     4  01-Feb-82      MSHD  .SYS     5  01-Feb-82
PATCH .SAV    10  01-Feb-82      PAT   .SAV     8  01-Feb-82
HELP  .SAV   107  01-Feb-82      HELP  .EXE     7  01-Feb-82
HELP  .MLB    98  01-Feb-82      ERROUT.SAV    17  01-Feb-82
SYSGEN.SAV    39  01-Feb-82      SYSGEN.CND   134  01-Feb-82
SYSTBL.CND    23  01-Feb-82      DSAVE .DAT    10    -BAD-
BATCH .SAV    26  01-Feb-82      QUEMAN.SAV    13  01-Feb-82
QUEUE .REL    14  01-Feb-82      SYSLIB.OBJ    47  01-Feb-82
MDUP  .SAV    18  01-Feb-82      MDUP  .MM     48  01-Feb-82
MDUP  .MT     48  01-Feb-82      MDUP  .MS     48  01-Feb-82
MBOOT .BOT     1  01-Feb-82      MSBOOT.BOT     3  01-Feb-82
DEMOF1.FOR     2  01-Feb-82      DEMOED.TXT     1  01-Feb-82
README.TXT    36  01-Feb-82      VT52  .TEC     5  01-Feb-82
VEG   .TEC     4  01-Feb-82      EDIT  .TEC     1  01-Feb-82
INSERT.TEC     2  01-Feb-82      LOCAL .TEC     3  01-Feb-82
SORT  .TEC     3  01-Feb-82      VTEDIT.TEC    32  01-Feb-82
TECO  .TC     23  01-Feb-82      SEARCH.TEC     3  01-Feb-82
SQU   .TEC    13  01-Feb-82      TYPE  .TEC    12  01-Feb-82
TECO  .INI    15  01-Feb-82      ODT   .OBJ     9  01-Feb-82
VDT   .OBJ     9  01-Feb-82      VTHDLR.OBJ     9  01-Feb-82
PLOT55.OBJ     3  01-Feb-82      TEST55.FOR     5  01-Feb-82
GETSTR.FOR     2  01-Feb-82      PUTSTR.FOR     2  01-Feb-82
DINDX .DAT    20    -BAD-        DUNGEO.SAV   216    -BAD-
SPEED .SAV     4  01-Feb-82      SYCND .BL      3  01-Feb-82
SYSTBL.BL      4  01-Feb-82      SYCND .DIS     5  01-Feb-82
SYCND .HD      5  01-Feb-82      SYSTBL.DIS     4  01-Feb-82
RTBL  .MAP    16  01-Feb-82      RTSJ  .MAP    16  01-Feb-82
RTFB  .MAP    23  01-Feb-82      DISMT1.COM     9  01-Feb-82
DISMT2.COM     8  01-Feb-82      DTEXT .DAT   383    -BAD-
 110 Files, 2571 Blocks
 2191 Free blocks

type command

The type command will show the contents of a file, just like MS-DOS.

D 56=5015
D 56=0

RUN command

Dungeon for example is executed with RUN. I think you have to run .sav files.

Welcome to Dungeon.                     This version created 10-AUG-78.
You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded
front door.
There is a small mailbox here.

@ command

COM files are like batch scripts, and are executed with the @ infront of them.


.D 56=5015

Welcome to RT-11 Version 4. RT-11 V04 provides new hardware support
and some major enhancements over Version 3B.

Please use the HELP command;  it describes the new options in many
of the utilities.

If you are using a terminal that requires fill characters,
modify location 56 with a Deposit command before proceeding
with system installation. LA36 DECwriter II and VT52 DECscope
terminals do NOT require such modification.

SQUEEZE command

Disks will need to be 'defraged' or compacted with this command. In some version it'll just be SQU.

Device? DK0:
RK0:/Squeeze; Are you sure? Y

SHOW command

This is a very usefull command to show some info about the OS.

RK  (Resident)
    RK0 = SY , DK
4 free slots

show configuration


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