Difference between revisions of "Talk:TREK7"

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(Divide by zero bug; comments)
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Revision as of 23:06, 25 March 2023

Divide by zero bug

The article mentions an "obstinate ... 'divide by zero' problem that has been plaguing the code for decades hindering any successful game". Curiousity is piqued - what was the bug, what were the circumstances that provoked it, and what were the results when it was? (I'm assuming a fatal total failure, for the latter?) It sounds like the code most have been subtracting one quantity from another, and using the difference to divide something - without checking to see if the difference was 0? Jnc (talk) 22:06, 25 March 2023 (CET)


The mention of scarce comments reminded me about a favourite MIT story about an obscure comment - perhaps the only comment in a program! So, instruction (I don't think it was a line number - this predates BASIC) 1827 had the comment "LVB RIP". What? Eventually (this was long before the Internet, too :-) the penny dropped - Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827! Or maybe it was 'JSB RIP' on instruction 1750 - that actually sounds more likely, now that I think about it - old-time hackers were more fans of Bach than Beethoven! I tried to find this story online, but couldn't. I think I read it in an old copy of the Hacker's Dictionary. Jnc (talk) 22:06, 25 March 2023 (CET)