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VENIX/PRO Graphics Logo

To take advantage of the DEC PROs graphics capabilities, VENIX/PRO UNIX has got some special drawing routines added:

* bar       draw a bar chart
* chart     draw a flow/organizational chart
* hist      draw a histogram
* graph     draw a graph
* pie       draw a pie chart
* scat      draw a scatter graph
* spline    interpolate smooth curve

Some graphics handling tools have been added as well:

* erase     graphics and text screen erase
* plot      graphics filters
* pscreen   screen dump to graphics line printer
* setscreen set video screen mode

If you use the "demo" login, you get an impressive demo of what is possible using VENIX/PRO graphics.

All of the above has been realized with the Xhomer Professional simulator and VENIX/PRO V2.0.

The same results would have been achieved using a real DEC Professional computer (if I had one ;-)).