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The Bell Telephone Laboratories relay computing devices were a series of digital computing devices, using relays for logic and memory, the early ones architected by George Stibitz at Bell Laboratories in the late 1930's and early 1940's, and built (with the design assistance of Samuel B. Williams, C. E. Boman and E. G. Andrews) and used on a variety of computing problems. They grew in capabilities, complexity, and size from the earliest one, which seems to have been a sui generis invention by Stibitz, through the rest of the series.

They were binary internally, suitable for the relay technology of which they were built, but could do I/O in decimal, for the convenience of their users.

They included:

Model I - Also called the 'Complex Computer', it was a calculator capable of performing arithmetical operations on complex numbers; these are much used in analog electrical engineering, a major field for engineers at Bell Labs, in which addition is relatively easy to do by hand, but multiplication is not. To ease the conversion of large numbers it used binary-coded decimal internally, in 'plus-three' form - i.e. 0 was represented as '0011', and 9 as '1100'. It handled operands of up to 8 decimal digits, with 2 extra digits to minimize round-off errors.

It using 450 relays, and was completed in October 1939, and placed in use on 8th January, 1940. It was remotely demonstrated at a meeting of the American Mathematical Society at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire in September, 1940; the machine remained in New York, but was connected to an I/O station at the meeting over telephone lines. (A predecessor of the 'Mother of all Demos' of the Augmentation Research Center!)

Model II - Aso called the 'Relay Interpolator', it was a specialized machine built to solve fire control problems. It (and all following Models) used bi-quinary internal representation, adopted for its error-checking capabilities. It was programmable, with the program stored on a paper tape loop; it also used paper tape for I/O. It was slightly smaller; 440 relays.

Model III - Also used for fire control problems, it was a more general-purpose machine; it included a number of novel features, such as the use of some registers as index registers. It was considerably larger; 1,400 relays. It (and all following Models) operated in un-attended mode.

Model IV - Very similar to the Model III, it could also perform trigonometric functions. It was about the same size; 1,425 relays.

Model V - Two built (one delivered in 1946; one in 1947); architecturally, it was a generation past the Models I-IV. It had up to 6 "computers" (what today would be called ALUs); as soon as one was idle, it automatically started the next "problem". It used one paper tape reader for input data, up to five for instructions (which allowed considerable easy use of subroutines), and six for table data. It had support for floating point (the first to do so), using exponential notation. It was considerably larger again; 9,000 relays.

Model VI - Similar to the Model V, but somewhat simpler; it had another novelty: each of its three paper tape readers could hold either data or instructions. It was considerably smaller; 4,600 relays; its designers had apparently decided that the increased powers of the Model V were not worth the extra expense, or attendant complexity. (Perhaps the very first case of Second System Syndrome?)

See also

Further reading