Timeline of Norsk Data
From Computer History Wiki
This is a brief working page on my part - it is certainly a work in progress. There should be more pictures, and some more summaries of the products introduced. Also, the later history is - stated mildly - anemic.
- In July, Norsk Data-Elektronikk is founded.
- In September, it is made publically traded. Rolf Skår counts this as the "beginning of the company in earnest". An anniversary is planned for September 2007.
- 3 NORD-1 installed
- The NORD-1 is completed, featuring an unusually rich register set, and floating-point arithmetic as standard equipment, possibly the first minicomputer to do so.
- A virtual memory system for the NORD-1 is created. Seemingly the first minicomputer to do so. (IIRC, the Burroughs B5000 was the first computer.)
- 11 NORD-1 installed
- 17 NORD-1 installed
- 28 NORD-1 installed
- Development is started on the NORDIC system, NORDCOM, and NORD-20.
- New offices are moved in to: 850 square meters in Økern Forretningssenter.
- 29 NORD-1 installed, 1 NORD-5
- NORDIC completed
- BASIC compiler developed
- Terminal systems developed
- NORD-TSS in development
- Development of the NORD-10 started, estimated finished first half of 1973.
- 36 NORD-1 installed, 1 NORD-5 (Computas A.S.)
- 12 NORD-10 installed
- Market demands increase sharply after CERN contract
- Contracts signed in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, and France.
- 32% of orders from export.
- NORD-TSS completed, a multi-user multi-lingual time-sharing operating system.
- NORD-PL developed
- ND starts a licensing agreement with the central institute for industrial research to use and further develop the database system SIBAS.
- Contract signed with ASEA-ATOM for three systems for 6 million NOK, each consisting of a configuration of NORD-10/5s. Systems to be used for surveillance and control of nuclear power plants.
- 36 NORD-1 installed, 1 NORD-5
- 46 NORD-10 installed
- NORD-12 and NORD-50 in planning and development.
- NORD-42 is completed, with MOS memory using 4Kb chips. First delivery in the summer.
- The NORDCOM-74 is developed, an updated NORDCOM system.
- Further development of different I/O controllers for the NORD-10, including the NORDCOM graphics system
- Development of administrative software. Software development team is twice the size of the hardware team!
- Development of SINTRAN III dominates the software division manpower. The first SINTRAN-III systems are installed in late 1974.
- The company moves in to new offices in Lørenvn. 57 in August, using 5800m2. Thought to be sufficient until first quarter 1976.
- A daughter company is considered in Stockholm, Sweden, to be operative 4th quarter 1975.
- First contract with Cern, Lab. II is signed, using the NORD-10.
- 4 NORD-1 installed
- 62 NORD-10 installed, 3 NORD-50
- The NORD-50 is completed, a second-generation 32-bit superminicomputer.
- A solid-state memory system for the NORD-10 is developed.
- Large mass storage system for the NORD-10 developed.
- The typesetting system GMS-12, the ancestor of NORTEXT, is developed for NTB.
- NORDFORSK, a Nordic technical research network, is developed using a NORD-12 core system.
- SIBAS, a Codasyl-based, multi-user on-line database management system, is introduced.
- The company changes name from "NORDATA Norsk Data-Elektronikk" to "Norsk Data A/S"
- 83 NORD-10 installed, 3 NORD-50
- Planning of the building on Furuset is almost completed. Building is planned to be approx. 9 800 m2, and planned cost is approx. 42 mill. NOK.
- 114 NORD-10/NORD-10/S installed, 7 NORD-50
- NORD-10/S introduced
- Initial deliveries worth 4.5 million NOK for the first parts of the F-16 airplane simulator. Approximately 18 more simulator systems are expected to be delivered.
- Relocation to the new building takes place medio August.
- Contract with Singer Link for the delivery of 6 more simulators.
- CERN is still an active customer. 120 machines sold this year. There have been suggestions of about 40 more simulators being needed.
- Development of the NORD-100, originally designated the NORD-10/M, and intended as a lower-cost bitsliced version of the NORD-10. Just happened to end up significantly faster. It seems to have been the first single-board 16-bit minicomputer.
- With effect from July 3, Norsk Data took over part of the business of the former Tandberg Radiofabrikk A/S. Tandberg is expected to show a profit by 1980.
- Norsk Data introduces the NORD-100, which has now changed name to ND-100.
- Development of the ND-500 begins.
- Another large order for F-16 simulators is received.
- Norsk Data takes over a 16700 m2 industrial building at Skullerud, Oslo. The building is leased to Tandberg.
- ND-NOTIS, an integrated word processing and administrative data processing system, is introduced.
- Effective from January 1st, Norsk Data absorbs the four Comtec companies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and West Germany from Nobø Fabrikker.
- Tandberg becomes independent of Norsk Data in the autumn of 1980. Profit was well below the anticipations.
- ACCESS, an on-line query system, allowing user-friendly access to a data-base via interactive terminals.
- The average price of a delivered computer was NOK 750 000, and had on average 512 Kbyte RAM, 110 Mbyte hard disk storage, and 16 terminals.
- The ND Satellite range is introduced.
- COSMOS finishes development. COSMOS was a networking system permitting applications and databases to be shared through a data network.
- ND-SAFE (backronymed to System Architecture For Expansion) is introduced.
- ND-ORBIS (Organization Related Business Information System) is introduced.
- The ND-100/CX is introduced.
- The ND-500 is split into three systems: ND-520, ND-560, and ND-570 (?)
- The ND-570/CXA is introduced.
- Tore takes a break.
- Tore realizes he STILL hasn't finished this page, and promises to do that any moment now.