Fabri-Tek MP12

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Revision as of 13:57, 31 July 2024 by Jnc (talk | contribs) (Expand description a bit; discuss 'microprocessor' term used of it)
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The Fabri-Tek MP12 was an implementation of the PDP-8 architecture. It was built mostly out of TTL SSI, with a tiny bit of MSI; it had core memory.

The documentation refers to it as a "microprocessor", but it is not clear what the writers meant by this word; it is certainly not a 'microprocessor', in the modern meaning of that term. (Some early DEC gear used the word to mean 'microcode processor', but there's no microcode in the MP12; the MP12 seems to be run by a state machine.) Perhaps it just means 'miniature processor'?

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