Computing device

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Computing devices (not a standard term in the field) are a class of devices which could perform complicated calculations, but are not computers (i.e. 'stored-program computing devices'); instead, they are members of a more general class. I.e. all devices which can perform complex calculations, but are not 'computers', fall in this class. (A good example is the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, which was hard-wired to only be able to solve systems of simultaneous equations.)

Complex computing devices (i.e. things considerably more complex than a simple adding machines) generally preceded the creation of computers. Note that the operation of these devices often did proceed through a list of more basic operations (the definition of a program) - e.g. the operations controlled by the timing cams in Charles Babbage‎‎'s Difference Engine. However, true computers are designed so that they can be easily changed to run any program.

See also

Further reading