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Conceived in 1946 and the machine did its first calculation in the summer of 1949

Order Codes

Order Description
A n Add the number in storage location n into the accumulator
S n Subtract the number in storage location n from the accumulator
H n Copy the number in storagae location n into the multiplier register
V n Multiply the number in storage location n by the number in the multiplier register and add the product into the accumulator
N n Multiply the number in storage location n by the number in the multiplier register and subtract the product into the accumulator
T Transfer the contents of the accumulator to storage location n and clear the accumulator
U Transfer the contents of the accumulator to storage location n and do not clear the accumulator
C Collate the number in storage location n with the number in the multiplier register and add the result into the accumulator; that is, add a "1" into the accumulator in digital positions where both numbers have a "1" , and add a "0" in other digital positions
* R D Shift the number in the accumulator one place to the right; that is, multiply by 2-1
** R 2p-2 F Shift the number in the accumulator p places to the right; that is, multiply it by 2-p (2≤p≤12)
R F Shift the number in the accumulator 15 places to the right; that is, multiply it by 2-15
* L F Shift the number in the accumulator 1 place to the left; that is, multiply it by 2
** L 2p-1 F Shift the number in the accumulator p places to the left; that is, multiply it by 2p (2≤p≤12)
L F Shift the number in the accumulator 13 places to the left; that is, multiply it by 213
* Z Stop the machine
*  The addresses in these order codes need not be zero.
** The addresses in these orders may be k.2p-1 where k is odd, provided that the addresses do not exceed 2047.