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PDP-11 C stack operation is explained by an old 'C Calling' help file, which I wrote in about 1978.

To give a tiny bit of background, C on the PDP-11 makes heavy use of the stack; on subroutine calls, arguments are passed on the stack (as part of the usage of the stack for the call stack), and automatic data is also kept on the stack.

To give an example, this test routine:

/* Show C stack usage.

foo(a, b)
int     a, b;

{       int     x, y;

        x = 0;
        bar(1, 2);

produces this output:

.globl  _foo
jsr     r5,csv
sub     $4,sp
clr     -10(r5)
mov     $2,(sp)
mov     $1,-(sp)
jsr     pc,*$_bar
tst     (sp)+
mov     -12(r5),r0 
L1:jmp  cret  

Note that the top location on the stack is a scratch word (set up by the stack frame setup, csv), and that the arguments are removed by the caller.

Details here:


                                  Noel Chiappa - MIT/LCS/CSR

                This is a description of the internal workings of any given
        compiled C program output by the UNIX C compiler. C is a stack frame
        language, using R5 as the stack frame pointer. For simplicity, R5 will
        hereafter be called the FP (frame pointer). Note that arguments are
	generally passed on the stack and answers returned in the registers.
        Recall also that C global names generally start with an "_" tacked on
        in front of the declared name. Generally only routines and EXTERNALS
        (both implicit and declared) are given the honour of global names.
                On entry (in the UNIX environment - for a discussion of
        stand alone C, see the end), the SP points to the lowest location
        on a stack that looks as follows:

                Address			Word

        <Or>    Address			Hibyte		Lobyte

                177776			0		ARGV[ARGC-1][n]
                &ARGV[ARGC-1][0]-1      ARGV[ARGC-1][0]	0
                  .			ARGV[ARGC-2][n] ARGV[ARGC-2][n-1]      
                &ARGV[0][0]             ARGV[0][1]	ARGV[0][0]
                &&ARGV[ARGC]            177777
                &&ARGV[ARGC-1]		&ARGV[ARGC-1][0]
                &&ARGV[0]               &ARGV[0][0]
        SP-->	0[SP]			ARGC

                On entry, a routine called CRT0 is executed. It comes in
	several flavors, depending on the surrounding environment:
                CRT0	Ordinary vanilla
                FCRT0	For programs with the floating point hardware simulator
                MCRT0	If the PROFIL option is in use.

        The basic effect of CRT0 is to set the SP one word lower, move ARGC
	into that, put &&ARGV[0][0] into the location above that, and leave
	the SP pointing to the bottom of the stack. It then does a JSR PC,
	_MAIN. The basic effect is to leave the bottom of the stack looking
	like this:

                &&ARGV[0]               &ARGV[0][0]
                2(SP)                   &&ARGV[0]
        SP-->	0(SP)			ARGC

                This concludes the special handling. MAIN acts just like all
	other C routines, so the following discussion applies to it too. C
	routines expect their arguments on the stack and return values in the
	low register(s).(Now you know why you can only return one value!)
	All arguments are passed by value, so in general you only pass simple
	variables, with no arrays or structures or suchlike. They are in
	reverse order, with the first arguments at the top of the stack, and
	the last lowermost. (For longs, reals and doubles, the format is
	standard PDP-11 format; the highest order word is in the highest
	number word/register.) The topmost position (@SP) is of course the
	return PC. Routines do not remove their arguments from the stack.
                The first move of all (compiled) C routines is to do a
        JSR FP, CSV. This is a general routine that does stack frame set up and
        saves the old register set. It first sets FP to the current SP.
	(Remember that the JSR will have saved the old FP on the stack.)
	It then pushes registers 2 through 4. (Remember about being only able
	to use 3 REGISTER variables?) It then does (of all idiotic things) a
	JSR PC, @R0.(R0 is where it saved the return point which had been held
	in FP. It's idiotic because they throw away the PC that the JSR
	stores, so a JMP @R0 would have done just as well. I suspect that they
	use a JSR for the side effect, possibly having to do with a C protocol
        about the top of the stack being a scratch location. Oh well.) At this
        point the stack looks like:

                <4+2N>(FP)              ArgN
                4(FP)                   Arg0
                2(FP)                   Old PC (From calling routine)
        FP-->	0(FP)			Old FP
                  .			Old R4
                  .			Old R3
                  .			Old R2
        SP-->	0(SP)			Old PC (From CSV - unused)

                Note that this top word is unused - any C routine that uses the
        stack will write over it. The next thing done is to subtract an
	appropriate amount from SP to allocate space for automatic storage.
	(Static storage will be discussed in a moment.) All references to
	arguments are thus positive relative to the FP, and references to auto
	storage are negative relative to the FP. Temporaries are on top of
	that, but are generally accessed via the SP.

                Static data comes in two flavors - global and local. Global
        can be initialized, and if initialized lives in what is called
        the DATA segment. Local static cannot and lives in the BSS segment.
        (BSS stands for Block Started by Symbol; it was originally IBM 7094
        terminology for "a block of reserved storage".) It is where
        uninitializeable static lives, as opposed to initialized, which is
        in the DATA segment.) Unitialized global static also lives in the BSS
        segment. In programs that only use I space, the order is TEXT, DATA
	and BSS, with TEXT starting at 0, and the DATA and BSS segments
	contiguous after it. (Note that in shared pure files DATA will start
	on a 4K boundary.) In programs that use both I and D spaces, DATA will
	also start at 0.
                The rest of the internal workings of any given compiled
        C routine should be obvious to anyone with sufficient PDP-11
        Assembly Language experience[1][2]. Generous use of the compiler -S
        option for a while will soon make it possible for you to start
        grubbing directly via ADB. [3] is also highly recommended to all who
        want to know how this garbage comes to be.

                At the end of each routine, the routine stores its return value
        (if any) in the appropriate register(s) and does a JMP CRET. The
	companion routine to CSV, CRET does the inverse of the former. CRET
        is a cleanup routine that goes through and restores register 2 through
	4, restores SP (it is set to the current FP, which is, as you will
        remember, the old top of stack), restores the FP from the stack,
        and does an RTS PC, thereby popping the old PC and leaving the stack as
        it was at the tme of the call.

                If EXIT or _EXIT is called explicitly, they simply put
        their argument in R0 (for use by the EXIT call - note that if
        not explicitly specified this may well be garbage) and do an
        EXIT call. The difference is that EXIT makes a call to
        _CLEANUP before dying. As appropriate, it stores the old FP
        and gets a new one from the value of SP just before the JSR.

                Failing that, when MAIN exits, CRT0 calls _EXIT, with
        the returned value as an argument.

                The reason that CRT (C Run Time support) is what starts
        up is that UNIX C compiler automatically links in a CRT file of
        some sort unless specifically told not to via the -c option.
                The stack pointer and arguments will have been set up
        by the UNIX system during the EXEC system call. If you want to
        use C in a stand alone program, you will have to provide
        your own substitute for the initial startup, and you may want
        to provide your own version of such things as CSV, etc.

        [1] Digital Equipment Corporation, "PDP-11 Processor Handbook,"
        [2] Ritchie, D.M., "The UNIX Assembler,"
        Bell Labs Memo, available as part of the UNIX documentation.
        [3] Ritchie, D.M., "A Tour Through the UNIX C Compiler,"
        Bell Labs Memo, available online in UNIX.