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I am trying to make a reproducable zoo/museum of emulated internetworked machines running historically significant operating systems, protocols and daemons.

Note: Respect to the Jolitzes. If I appear not to pay, attribute it to a failed attempt at humor.

Notes from the zoo keepers

The first cages will be Bochs set to cpu level 3. In this cage the endangered 386BSD 0.1 should be relatively safe from ridicule and evangelism as the Free-, Net-, and OpenBeasty require a 486 or better nowadays and Dragonflies die in it.

Initial attempts to populate the cage were a failure, the OS refused to reproduce its own kernel, so a breeding program was started. We found a suitable mate in the "official unofficial" patchkits.

Several spawns have now been running around in the nursery. They seem to love playing hide and seek in the dungeon with the original netcat and the lynx. Unfortunately they suffer from an extreme case of agoraphobia when confronted with their cage. Once the enclosure exceeds 504MB they refuse to venture around. We are currently working on a special diet of disktabs and disklabels to ween them off the 1024/16/63 bottle.