User talk:Mph94

From Computer History Wiki
Revision as of 15:11, 2 March 2023 by Larsbrinkhoff (talk | contribs) (Some 4BSD stuff for you?)
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Hi! I do not work in IT nor am I a programmer. What I am is an enthusiast who has followed "The Unix Heritage Society" since 2002 and has played with both virtualization and emulation for approximately the same amount of time.

Currently I spend the most amount of time playing with 86Box and Simh. There are changes I think need to be made to some of the 4BSD simh tutorials but instead of stampeding towards the publish button I will be copying the pages and making the changed versions available here first, so that people may comment on them before I get rid of the old versions.

I intend on doing something similar for the 86Box tutorials I will be writing.

Long time lurker (~12 years? at least 10) glad to be here and helping out.

4.x BSD

Hello and welcome! I also have a bit of an interest in the 4.x BSD series. I managed to follow the instructions in MIT's Chaosnet patch set for 4.1BSD, and I'm currently trying to make 4.3BSD and X10 talk to an emulated VAXstation 100. I have ready to run disk images in and