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| year introduced = 1994
| year introduced = 1994
| previous version = [[Visual C++ 1.1]]
| previous version = [[Visual C++ 1.1]]
| next version = [[Visual C++ 4.0]]

Revision as of 08:35, 25 July 2017

Visual C++ 2.0
Creator: Microsoft
Platform: Windows NT
Previous Version: Visual C++ 1.1
Next Version: Visual C++ 4.0
Date Released: 1994

Visual C++ 2.0 was a full 32 bit release of Visual C++, bundled with Visual C++ 1.5 for 16 bit support. Visual C++ 2.0 was followed by 2.1 and 2.2. 2.2 was the current release at the time of Windows 95's launch, so changes between these releases was primarily focused on Windows 95 support. Applications compiled with this version using a CRT DLL required MSVCRT20.DLL.

09/16/1994  07:00 AM           318,464 C1.EXE
09/16/1994  07:00 AM           673,792 C1XX.EXE
09/16/1994  07:00 AM           517,632 C2.EXE
09/16/1994  07:00 AM            33,280 CL.EXE
09/16/1994  07:00 AM           420,352 LINK.EXE
09/16/1994  07:00 AM            65,536 NMAKE.EXE

Compiler options in this release were:


Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 9.00 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1994. All rights reserved.

                            C COMPILER OPTIONS

/O1 minimize space                       /Op[-] improve floating-pt consistency
/O2 maximize speed                       /Os favor code space
/Oa assume no aliasing                   /Ot favor code speed
/Ob<n> inline expansion (default n=0)    /Ow assume cross-function aliasing
/Od disable optimizations (default)      /Ox maximum opts. (/Ogityb1 /Gs)
/Og enable global optimization           /Oy[-] enable frame pointer omission
/Oi enable intrinsic functions
                             -CODE GENERATION-
/G3 optimize for 80386                   /Ge enable stack checking calls
/G4 optimize for 80486                   /Gs[num] disable stack checking calls
/G5 optimize for Pentium                 /Gf enable string pooling
/GB optimize for blended model (default) /Gy separate functions for linker
/Gd __cdecl calling convention           /Gh enable hook function call
/Gr __fastcall calling convention        /GX- disable C++ EH (default)
/Gz __stdcall calling convention         /GX  enable C++ EH
                              -OUTPUT FILES-
/Fa[file] name assembly listing file     /Fo<file> name object file
/FA[sc] configure assembly listing       /Fp<file> name precompiled header file
/Fd[file] name .PDB file                 /Fr[file] name source browser file
/Fe<file> name executable file           /FR[file] name extended .SBR file
/Fm[file] name map file
/C don't strip comments                  /FI<file> name forced include file
/D<name>{=|#}<text> define macro         /U<name> remove predefined macro
/E preprocess to stdout                  /u remove all predefined macros
/EP preprocess to stdout, no #line       /I<dir> add to include search path
/P preprocess to file                    /X ignore "standard places"
/vd{0|1} disable/enable vtordisp         /Za disable extensions (implies /Op)
/vm<x> type of pointers to members       /Ze enable extensions (default)
/Zi prepare for debugging (CodeView)     /Zg generate function prototypes
/Z7 C7 style CodeView information        /Zl omit default library name in .OBJ
/Zd line number information              /Zs syntax check only
/Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary
/?, /help print this help message        /w disable all warnings
/c compile only, no link                 /W<n> set warning level (default n=1)
/H<num> max external name length         /WX treat warnings as errors
/J default char type is unsigned         /Yc[file] create .PCH file
/nologo suppress copyright message       /Yd put debug info in every .OBJ
/Tc<source file> compile file as .c      /Yu[file] use .PCH file
/Tp<source file> compile file as .cpp    /YX[file] automatic .PCH
/V<string> set version string            /Zn turn off SBRPACK for .SBR files
/MD link with MSVCRT.LIB                 /F<num> set stack size
/ML link with LIBC.LIB                   /LD Create .DLL
/MT link with LIBCMT.LIB                 /link [linker options and libraries]


Microsoft (R) 32-Bit Incremental Linker Version 2.50
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-94. All rights reserved.

usage: LINK [options] [files] [@commandfile]




Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.

Usage:  NMAKE @commandfile
        NMAKE [options] [/f makefile] [/x stderrfile] [macrodefs] [targets]


/A Build all evaluated targets         /B Build if time stamps are equal
/C Suppress output messages            /D Display build information
/E Override env-var macros             /HELP Display brief usage message
/I Ignore exit codes from commands     /K Build unrelated targets on error
/N Display commands but do not execute /NOLOGO Suppress copyright message
/P Display NMAKE information           /Q Check time stamps but do not build
/R Ignore predefined rules/macros      /S Suppress executed-commands display
/T Change time stamps but do not build
/? Display brief usage message