32v 1m lookbib
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REFER(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual REFER(1)
refer, lookbib - find and insert literature references in documents
refer [ option ] ...
lookbib [ file ] ...
_L_o_o_k_b_i_b accepts keywords from the standard input and searches a bibliographic data base for references that con- tain those keywords anywhere in title, author, journal name, etc. Matching references are printed on the standard out- put. Blank lines are taken as delimiters between queries.
_R_e_f_e_r is a preprocessor for _n_r_o_f_f or _t_r_o_f_f(1) that finds and formats references. The input files (standard input default) are copied to the standard output, except for lines between .[ and .] command lines, which are assumed to con- tain keywords as for _l_o_o_k_b_i_b, and are replaced by informa- tion from the bibliographic data base. The user may avoid the search, override fields from it, or add new fields. The reference data, from whatever source, are assigned to a set of _t_r_o_f_f strings. Macro packages such as _m_s(7) print the finished reference text from these strings. A flag is placed in the text at the point of reference; by default the references are indicated by numbers.
The following options are available:
-a_r Reverse the first _r author names (Jones, J. A. instead of J. A. Jones). If _r is omitted all author names are reversed.
-b Bare mode: do not put any flags in text (neither numbers nor labels).
-c_s_t_r_i_n_g Capitalize (with CAPS SMALL CAPS) the fields whose key-letters are in _s_t_r_i_n_g.
-e Instead of leaving the references where encountered, accumulate them until a sequence of the form .[ $LIST$ .] is encountered, and then write out all references col- lected so far. Collapse references to the same source.
-k_x Instead of numbering references, use labels as specified in a reference data line beginning %_x; by default _x is L.
-l_m,_n Instead of numbering references, use labels made from the senior author's last name and the year of publica- tion. Only the first _m letters of the last name and the last _n digits of the date are used. If either _m or ,_n is omitted the entire name or date respectively is used.
-p Take the next argument as a file of references to be searched. The default file is searched last.
-n Do not search the default file.
-s_k_e_y_s Sort references by fields whose key-letters are in the _k_e_y_s string; permute reference numbers in text accord- ingly. Implies -e. The key-letters in _k_e_y_s may be followed by a number to indicate how many such fields are used, with + taken as a very large number. The default is AD which sorts on the senior author and then date; to sort, for example, on all authors and then title use -sA+T.
To use your own references, put them in the format described in _p_u_b_i_n_d_e_x(1) They can be searched more rapidly by running _p_u_b_i_n_d_e_x(1) on them before using _r_e_f_e_r; failure to index results in a linear search.
When _r_e_f_e_r is used with _e_q_n, _n_e_q_n or _t_b_l, _r_e_f_e_r should be first, to minimize the volume of data passed through pipes.
/_u_s_r/_d_i_c_t/_p_a_p_e_r_s directory of default publication lists and indexes /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_r_e_f_e_r directory of programs