QBUS peripherals

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QBUS peripherals were used in both PDP-11 and VAX systems; the QBUS was the primary bus in many of the former (and the MicroVAX I of the latter), and the I/O bus in most of the low-end models of the latter.

Many were available from DEC, and as was canonical for DEC machines, from other organizations.


QBUS peripherals are usually indicated by a 'V' before the '11' in the DEC device name.

Other manufacturers

See also

Further reading

  • Peripheral Compatibility with 11/23 Systems, MicroNote #072

External links

  • microcomputer interfaces handbook
  • Microcomputer Products Handbook (EB-26078-41) - excellent coverage of almost all QBUS boards available as of the date of publication
  • Microcomputer Products Handbook (EB-26078-41) - excellent coverage of almost all QBUS boards available as of the date of publication
  • ET-LSI-11 Field Maintenance Print Set (MP00706)
    • AAV11 is covered on pp. 4-10 of the PDF
    • ADV11 is covered on pp. 11-19
    • BDV11 is covered on pp. 20-25
    • DLV11 is covered on pp. 25-30
    • DLV11-E is covered on pp. 31-37
    • DLV11-F is covered on pp. 38-44
    • DLV11-J is covered on pp. 45-53
    • DLV11-KB EIA-to-20mA Converter is covered on pp. 54-56
    • DPV11 is covered on pp. 297-302
    • DRV11 is covered on pp. 57-60
    • DRV11-B is covered on pp. 61-68
    • DRV11-J is covered on pp. 69-79
    • FPF-11 is covered on pp. 303-317
    • LSI-11 Foundation Module is covered on pp. 80-85
    • DUV11 is covered on pp. 86-98
    • DZV11 is covered on pp. 99-113
    • IBV11 is covered on pp. 114-121
    • KPV11 is covered on pp. 143-146
    • KUV11 is covered on pp. 147-153
    • KWV11-A is covered on pp. 154-163
    • KXT11-AA is covered on pp. 318-326
    • LPV11 is covered on pp. 164-169
    • MMV11-A is covered on pp. 170-177
    • MRV11-A is covered on pp. 178-181
    • MRV11-BA is covered on pp. 182-186
    • MRV11-C is covered on pp. 187-193
    • MSV11-B is covered on pp. 194-197
    • MSV11-C is covered on pp. 198-214
    • MSV11-D/E is covered on pp. 215-229
    • MSV11-L is covered on pp. 327-338
    • MXV11-A is covered on pp. 230-240
    • REV11 is covered on pp. 241-246
    • RKV11-D is covered on pp. 247-255
    • RLV11 is covered on pp. 256-275
    • RXV11 is covered on pp. 276-278
    • RXV21 is covered on pp. 279-283
    • TU58 is covered on pp. 284-286
    • VK170 is covered on pp. 287-296