Technology Square

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Building at MIT housing Project MAC, which later split into the AI Lab and the Laboratory for Computer Science (including the Dynamic Modeling, Mathlab, and Macsyma Consortium groups). The machine room was on the top (9th) floor.


Floor plan

Later on, space around the outer walls where CTSS/Multics machines used to be was turned into enclosed offices; the remainder of that space was use to hold the MIT-MC KL10 ITS machine.

The MIT-XX DECSYSTEM-20 TOPS-20 machine was installed where the 1401 used to be. The MIT-DM KA10 ITS machine was between the DM PDP-6 and the MIT-ML KA10 ITS machine, and also along the outer wall behind the PDP-6.

As the other end, the offices 919-922 were done away with, and that all became open raised floor, holding various robot arms, the Xerox Graphics Printer, etc, etc.