Couple of things:
the AMD 2901 bit slice processor was featured on OSnews today. the AMD 2901 bit slice processor is ECL w/ TTL interface. the AMD 2901 bit slice processor is used on ONE Vax system the Vax 11/730. the computer history museum, well every where I go, pics or it didnt happen: ( object number, full Cabinet Vax 11/730. )
Some spec tech documentation,
Another 11/730. ( They have two, so on to Wikipedia to update them, then a request to actually SEE and Photograph these unique (slow) processor cards with their unique processors.
Now I can see from the pictures, that Yes, its a Vax ( appropierately labeled 11/730) , and yes, it has a CPU board, but not that the CPU board is for a 11/730 nor that it has AMD 2901 chips.
AND from bitsavers ! (tytyty ) Some authentic documentation!