List of Chaos application protocols

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A brief overview of Chaos application protocols. The current list is mostly based on what's found on ITS and the CADR system software.

  • 11DUMP — accept a crash dump from a PDP-11.
  • 11LOAD — remote boot for MINITS.
  • ARPA — forward connection to NCP or TCP/IP network.
  • BABEL — send a fixed string of printable ASCII characters.
  • BAND-TRANSFER — send a Lispm "band".
  • BYE — send a good-bye quip.
  • ECHO — echo data back; mostly for testing.
  • DOOR — open door and call for elevator.
  • DOVER — print on Xerox Dover printer.
  • FILE — remote file system access; mainly for Lisp machines.
  • FINGER — list logged in users; mainly for Lisp machines.
  • HARDCOPY — Lispm printing?
  • HOSTAB — send host table.
  • HOSTAT — report node status.
  • NAME — list logged in users.
  • LIMERICK — send a Limerick.
  • LOAD — report host load.
  • MAIL — network email.
  • MINI — remote boot for Lisp machines.
  • MINI36 — remote boot for KS10s.
  • MLDEV — remote file system access; mainly for ITS.
  • NAME — list logged in users.
  • NCP — forward connection to NCP network.
  • RMTDEV — remote file system; mainly for ITS to access TOPS-20 files.
  • RTAPE — remote tape access.
  • SEND — send message to a user.
  • STATUS — report node status.
  • SUPDUP — remote login.
  • TCP — forward connection to TCP/IP network.
  • TELNET — remote login.
  • TIME — network time service.
  • UPTIME — report uptime.
  • YOW — send quote from Zippy the Pinhead.