Installing NetBSD 5.1 on the SIMH MicroVAX II
Installation of NetBSD on the SIMH MicroVAX II ought to be trivial.
First get the vaxcd-5.1.iso file from the NetBSD site.
pre install
First you'll need an ini file, I'm going to use this:
load ka655x.bin -r set cpu 128m set rq0 ra92 at rq0 netbsd.dsk set rq1 cdrom att rq1 vaxcd-5.1.iso set xq ena set throttle 33% set console telnet=2223 boot cpu
Note that you *MUST* use a console that can interpret ascii codes or you'll be stuck with something like this:
←[;H←[2J←[?1h←=←[;H←[2J Welcome to sysinst, the NetBSD-5.1 system installation tool. This menu-driven tool is designed to help you install NetBSD to a hard disk, or upgrade an existing NetBSD system, with a minimum of work. In the following menus type the reference letter (a, b, c, ...) to select an item, or type CTRL+N/CTRL+P to select the next/previous item. The arrow keys and Page-up/Page-down may also work. Activate the current selection from the menu by typing the enter key. ←[13;17H+---------------------------------------------+←[14;17H|>←[7ma: Install ation messages in English←[m←[14;63H|←[15;17H| b: Messages d'installation en fra nçais |←[16;17H| c: Installation auf Deutsch←[16;63H|←[17;17H| d: Komunikat y instalacyjne w jezyku polskim |←[18;17H| e: Mensajes de instalación en castell ano |←[19;17H+---------------------------------------------+←[14;18H
instead of a useful install menu like this:
+---------------------------------------------+ |>a: Installation messages in English | | b: Messages d'installation en franτais | | c: Installation auf Deutsch | | d: Komunikaty instalacyjne w jezyku polskim | | e: Mensajes de instalaci≤n en castellano | +---------------------------------------------+
boot it up
It's pretty simple first the MicroVAX II will run it's diagnostics, then you'll be at the boot prompt. Then we just tell it to boot from dua1 which will then kick off the boot loader. I've noticed in this version it takes substantially longer for NetBSD to boot up. Just be patient. It will work.
It's a pretty straight forward install, I setup my disk like this..
MB Cylinders Sectors Filesystem 256 553 524797 / 32 70 66430 swap 0 0 0 tmp (mfs) 768 1658 1573442 /usr 64 139 131911 /var 314 679 644371 /home
Be sure once you are prompted to select a source for the CD-ROM, to change cd0a to ra1a.
Because the sources are compressed, this will take a while.