![]() Logging into a TROPIX system | |
Type: | Multitasking, multiuser |
Creator: | UFRJ |
Architecture: | 68010, IBMPC |
This Version: | 4.9.0 (Dec 2008) |
Date Released: | 1985 |
TROPIX got it's start after UFRJ could not secure a source license to AT&T UNIX. So they decided to write their own. Using a Version 7 68000 machine, they were able to clone out their own system. For a while the project seemed dead with the mainstream arrival of Linux, however there has been some new activity on the TROPIX front.
System requirements
Intel 486/PENTIUM or equivalent.
8MB of ram for text mode, 16MB of ram for X11.
SCSI controllers:
- Adaptec 1542 (ISA)
- 2940/29160 (PCI).
Ethernet controllers:
- (NE1000, NE2000 ISA/PCI)
- 3Com 3c503
- Realtek RTL 8129/8139
PCI Modems
- U.S. Robotics 56K PCI
Sound Cards
- Sound Blaster 16
How do I get this to run?!
First you'll need some instructions. This is the google translated instructions:
******* ******* ******* ******* * * * * * * * * * * * ******* ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * * TROPIX - Installation Guide Version 4.9.0 Guide December 2008 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 2 CONTENT Chapter 1 - Introduction ........................... 4 Chapter 2 - New versions of ................ 6 Chapter 3 - Characteristics ...................... 11 Chapter 4 - PC Configuration ................... 12 Chapter 5 - Establishment of CDROM ..................... 13 Chapter 6 - Creation of the boot disk .......... 14 Chapter 7 - Some conventions / features TROPIX ............................... 16 Chapter 8 - Running TROPIX directly from CDROM or floppy .................... 18 Chapter 9 - Preparation of disks / files other ............................ 22 Chapter 10 - Modes of TROPIX installation disk Hard ............................... 23 Chapter 11 - Installation of files in TROPIX MS-DOS/Windows ....................... 24 Chapter 12 - Disk and partition ................... 26 Chapter 13 - The editor of partitions "fdisk" ........ 28 Chapter 14 - Reducing the size of a partition MS-DOS/Windows ....................... 32 Chapter 15 - Installation of partitions in TROPIX own ............................. 35 Chapter 16 - Setting up the USB drivers .... 37 Chapter 17 - What now? ............................. 38 Chapter 18 - Utilities and features original the TROPIX ............................ 40 Chapter 19 - Introduction to the Graphical Interface X-Window ............................. 41 Chapter 20 - Creation and installation of the floppy / archives of the Graphical Interface ........ 42 Chapter 21 - Setting the graphical interface .... 43 Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 3 Chapter 22 - Use of the basic graphical interface 45 Chapter 23 - Obtaining and installing the source code the TROPIX ............................ 46 Chapter 24 - Compilation of the kernel, libraries and utilities of TROPIX ................ 47 Chapter 25 - Use the text editor "vi" ....... 48 Chapter 26 - A list of key commands TROPIX ............................... 49 Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 4 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 1 * * * * INTRODUCTION * * * ************************************************** ******* The TROPIX (pronounced "trópix") is an Operating System of 32 bit, multiuser and multitasking, philosophy of UNIX ®, developed the Center for Computer Electronics, Federal University of Rio January (NCE / UFRJ). The TROPIX was originally conceived during the years 1982 to 1986 (at the time with the name PLURIX) to the computer PEGASUS. This computer was built in the NCE, and was based on MOTOROLA 68010/20 processor. Since its beginning, the system was designed for symmetric multiprocessing, operating in a PEGASUS 2 CPUs which had 68,020. The system was shipped in 1987 to the computer ICARUS, based on these same processor, and added the support for real time. Was initiated in 1994 for the transport Intel line of processors (386, 486, Pentium), and since 1996 the TROPIX is already operating on PCs and is used in several computers. In this version for PCs, is not yet completed the detection of motherboard with more than one CPU, which is necessary for the multiprocessing. In relation to real time, has recently completed a thesis of Masters was developed in which a version of the core TROPIX in real time. The TROPIX has several utilities, such as study / learning / use of an operating system UNIX philosophy, the development of programs (software) and implementation of servers to the Internet. Furthermore, it is ideal for use in courses on operating systems, it contains primitive to the "light" ( "threads"), memory shared, the level of user traffic lights, among others. This text (which you're reading) contains introductory information on the distribution and installation of the system TROPIX. During the installation, it can be viewed / printed on your PC (see end of Chapter 8). In addition, it contains the information for Installation of X-Window Graphical Interface (Chapters 19 to 22), and information for installing / compiling the source code TROPIX (Chapters 23 and 24). The operating system is a TROPIX software free, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, for details, type "man" license (after installation). Currently, the development and maintenance of TROPIX are made by Peter and Salenbauch Oswaldo Vernet. For more Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 5 information, suggestions, reporting errors, or in case of no doubt about its installation and use, use the address " Visit regularly the homepage of TROPIX, at "" to learn about new system versions. The continuation of this work is a posthumous tribute to Newton Faller, the great creator of the projects PEGASUS, PLURIX, and TROPIX so many others. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 6 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 2 * * * * NEW * VERSION OF * * ************************************************** ******* What's new in this version "4.9.0" 1: Implement the USB 2.0 protocol. 2: Supports SATA disks. 3: New version of the graphical interface (based on version 4.7.0 distributed by Consortium XFree86). To monitor the TROPIX, included the news of previous versions. News of version "4.8.0" 1: File System NFS (Network File System, Version 2), for the mounting of remote file systems. News of version "4.7.0" 1: Distribution of object code in ROM. 2: New graphic utility "xcpu" which draws the graph of Use CPU. News of version "4.6.0" 1: Support for USB disks (simulations in memory, "pen drive"), with annexation / desanexação dynamics. 2: Mount (read only) file system NTFS. 3: Mounting images of file systems (in files regular). 4: New version of the graphical interface (based on version 4.4.0 distributed by Consortium XFree86). News of version "4.5.0" 1: Recognition of "mouse" USB. 2: New graphic tools: the file manager "xfm", Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 7 the program to access remote mailboxes "xpop3" and generate fractal images of Mandelbrot "xmandel. 3: Extension of the core to enable the sharing of interrupts (IRQ) between devices. 4: Access to file systems FAT-32 for more than 4 GB. News of version "4.4.0" 1: Mounting the File System of Linux EXT2. 2: Support to the mouse PS / 2. 3: New version (XFree86 Version 4.3.0) System Chart X-Window, supporting the most recent of the plates ATI graphics, and TRIDENT S3. 4: New features of the library "stdio" with areas of 4 KB for it compatible with the new file system T1. 5: Role of 64-bit arithmetic for the values "long long" the language "C". This is important for access to files with more than 4 GB. 6: Access to the history of the "sh" through the keys of arrows also in text mode. 7: New commands: The defragmenter "xdefrag" (program chart) can improve the allocation of blocks of systems T1 files, the converter program "a2ps" converts a ISO text to PostScript to be printed on printers who accept this language. News of version "4.3.0" 1: The new file system T1, in blocks of 4 KB and identifiers of up to 255 characters, which has a performance much higher than the previous file system (S7) of blocks of 512 bytes. This version continues supporting the V7 file system. 2: Create the file "/ etc / fstab" for better control of assembly of devices. 3: New interface for recognition devices IDE / ATA / ATAPI. 4: Floppy BOOT distribution of the image containing a file system that is unpacked in a Ramdas (the simulation of a disk in main memory). This facilitates installation of TROPIX. News of version "4.2.0" 1: Increase the size of the areas of entry / exit of the "cache" of structured devices from 512 to 4096 bytes. With this, allows the read / write devices that have larger than 512 bytes (eg CDROM, whose block is 2 KB) in addition to increasing the speed of processing of devices already supported. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 8 2: Establishment of the abstract layer of "we-index" to enable the assembly of several file systems. 3: Mount the file systems FAT12/16/32. 4: Mounting the file systems from original CDROM, beyond extensions "Rock Ridge" and "Joliet". 5: Implementation of symbolic links. News of version "4.1.0" 1: New "driver" for the Adaptec SCSI controller: Now supporting the 29,160 new drivers for 160 MB / s. 2: Add the "chip" s of the VIA and Intel for the use of DMA access to IDE. 3: Extended the build system of language "C" for accept identifiers without size limitation. 4: Enter the functions of the library "C" for reading directories in a system independent of files: "opendir", "readdir", ... 5: The "boot" of TROPIX was extended, and now accepts the discs Iomega ZIP (100 MB) to load the system at all their steps. News of version "4.0.0" 1: Improved recognition and assessment of the speed of processor of the computer during stage 2 of the load system ( "boot2). 2: Support for IDE disks over 8 GB. 3: Recognition Device PnP (Plug and Play "). 4: Use of DMA to access the IDE (at only for the "chip" Acer Aladdin "). 5: Command "mail" completely rewritten, now can receive and send attachments. News of version "3.2.3" This version "contained as the main novelty library shared (similar to Windows DLLs). All older versions of libraries ( "libc", "libm", "libcurses" and "libxti") are now grouped in a single library shared "/ lib / libt.o. The same occurs also with the libraries of graphical interface X-Window: all are now integrated in the two shared library "/ usr / xwin / lib / libx.o" and "/ usr / xwin / lib / liby.o. With the use of shared libraries, the size of executable modules decreased drastically. This reduced in both the time and amount of cargo Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 9 occupied space (both on disk and in main memory). As an example, a typical utility, the "cp" which occupied 13,704 bytes, went to occupy only 4,032, ie, fell short of third the size. In the case of graphic tools, this reduction is much greater, mentioned as an example the program "xedit" which went from 612 KB to less than 4KB! This version also includes some new programs, among which: 1: "cdplay: plays audio CDs in units IDE / ATAPI and SCSI. 2: "cdtowave": Extract audio tracks from CDs into units IDE / ATAPI and SCSI. 3: sbvol "controls the volume (master) of SB-16 boards. 4: "mkshlib" and "ldshlib" creates and loads the libraries shared. 5: "nohup: run command immune to SIGHUP signal. 6: "paste" lines of a multiple. 7: "FDC": computer desk for small numbers of point floating. 8: "xcoremap" graphics program to draw a map of allocation of the computer's main memory. 9: "xedit" graphics program to edit texts (like the "notepad" in Windows). 10: "xpaint" now accepts the JPEG format. Other changes / enhancements: 1: "Drivers for IDE-ATAPI devices: These" drivers " will allow access to TROPIX-IDE ATAPI devices, such as CD-ROMs and ZIP drives the internal disk. However, the file systems on CD-ROMs also are not being recognized. 2 "Driver" for driver "Realtek RTL 8129/8139 Fast Ethernet (10/100 Mbs). 3: The swap partition is no longer necessary to installation, both in its own partition, as in MS-DOS/Windows files. 4: It is recognized Fax-Modem U.S. Robotics 56K PCI. 5: Inauguration of distribution of the source code of TROPIX of libraries and utilities. 6: The WWW server of TROPIX already allows the resumption of transfers from the point they were interrupted. News of version "3.2.1" Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 10 Includes the first distribution of the source code of the core of system, recommending him for a further course in systems operational. News of version "3.2.0" Contained as the main news media (in part) to sound card "Sound Blaster". News of version "3.1.8" Contained as the new X-Window Graphical Interface and support for file systems MS-DOS/Windows with FAT32. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 11 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 3 * * * * FEATURES * * * ************************************************** ******* The distribution of TROPIX is free, and it can be installed via a CDROM or floppy. 1. The CDROM is distributed through an image, and contains the TROPIX complete object (including the System Chart X-Window). This image should be used to burn a CDROM through an appropriate program: see chapter 5. 2. The distribution by floppy disk is part of the basic with 2 disks, 3 ½ "and X-Window System in Figure 2 Additional disks: see the chapters 19 to 22. The installation on PCs can be done in two ways: on partitions own or in files from one partition to FAT16 or FAT32 MS-DOS/Windows (in this case without the need for change partitions of disks). It included a manager of cargo operating systems ( "boot0"), to amicable coexistence with other operating systems. Currently the TROPIX has the basic commands of UNIX (in addition to some more commands themselves), a development system for the language ANSI "C", support for the network of computers Internet with TCP / IP, SLIP, PPP (for dial-line) and Client / Server "telnet", "rlogin", "ftp", "mail", "pop3" and others. Whole TROPIX is based on the code character ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1, the same Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP), taking all the stress available in all modes (text, graphic) and commands. Moreover, all the manuals can be found in screen (on-line), and are in Portuguese. The file systems MS-DOS/Windows FAT-12/16/32/NTFS (both in partitions on the disks as hard drives) can be mounted (the latter only for reading). For mounting remote file systems we have available the NFS protocol, version 2. CD-ROMs can also be fitted to all variants (ISO-9660, Joliet and Rock-Ridge). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 12 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 4 * * * * PC * SETUP * * ************************************************** ******* The PC must have an Intel processor or equivalent 486/PENTIUM. The minimum reasonable main memory is 8 MB. With 4 MB can be use the system, but there may be difficulties in both use the Internet and compile programs. For the Graphical Interface X-Window is required at least 16 MB. The USB drivers are accepted, but the patterns and UHCI OHCI. Disks are supported for 3 ½ "and 5 ¼" disk drives and IDE / EIDE. Also supported SCSI disk drives connected through the Adaptec 1542 SCSI controller (ISA) and 2940/29160 (PCI). From version 4.9.0 USB devices are supported with Protocol 1.1 and 2.0 with annexation / desanexação dynamics. The Iomega ZIP disks (100 MB) are also supported in versions the parallel port, IDE / ATAPI and SCSI (where connected to one of SCSI controllers listed above). For the Internet, are supported controllers "ethernet" Novell (NE1000, NE2000 ISA / PCI), 3Com 3c503 and Realtek RTL 8129/8139 Fast Ethernet (10/100 Mbs), and lines with serial protocols SLIP or PPP. Are supported also the parallel ports for use of printers. Are accepted Fax-modems and ISA Fax-Modem U.S. Robotics 56K PCI. From version 3.2.0 is also supported the output of digital sound PCM sound cards through the "Sound Blaster 16 (or successor). With this, you can play sound files from "*. wav" in TROPIX. Are already supported "mouse" s USB. As already mentioned, there are two ways of installing the TROPIX disks of the PC (see chapter 10). In any of these modes must be allocated a certain area of the hard disks (typically 128 MB). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 13 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 5 * * * * * CREATING THE CDROM * * ************************************************** ******* Having obtained the collection "cdrom.tgz" distribution of the CDROM TROPIX, you must save it. 1. If you use a UNIX system, must decompress "cdrom.tgz" via "gunzip" (generating a collection "tar") and then use the command "tar" to get the files: install.txt tropix.iso The file "install.txt" is the guide to installation (you are reading) and the file "tropix.iso" is the image of the CDROM. The CDROM should be recorded through an appropriate utility (such as "cdrecord"). 2. If you use WinXP/Win2000/WinNT/Win98/Win95/Win3.x should decompress the collection "cdrom.tgz" through "Winzip", getting the files: install.txt tropix.iso The file "install.txt" is the guide to installation (you are reading) and the file "tropix.iso" is the image of the CDROM. The CDROM should be recorded through an appropriate utility (such as "Easy CD Creator" or "Nero"). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 14 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 6 * * * * ESTABLISHMENT OF Floppy Disk "BOOT" * * * ************************************************** ******* Having obtained the collection "tropix.tgz" distribution of TROPIX base is necessary (at least) create the disk, 3 ½ "called of BOOT. 1. If you use a UNIX system, must decompress "tropix.tgz" via "gunzip" (generating a collection "tar") and then use the command "tar" to get the files: install.txt fdimage.exe boot.dsk gar1.dsk The file "install.txt" is the guide to installation (you are reading), the file "fdimage.exe" is a utility to copy the MS-DOS/Windows (in this case will not be used), and remaining files are the contents of 2 disks called the BOOT and GAR1. The BOOT disk, can be created through a command of type: boot.dsk cat> / dev/fd0 (the exact name of the device depends on the system disk being used). You can also use the command "dd" in the form: boot.dsk dd if = of = / dev/fd0 2. If you use WinXP/Win2000/WinNT/Win98/Win95/Win3.x should decompress the collection "tropix.tgz" through "Winzip", getting the files: install.txt fdimage.exe boot.dsk gar1.dsk The file "install.txt" is the guide to installation (you are reading), the "fdimage.exe" is a tool for copying and remaining files are the contents of 2 disks. The BOOT floppy disk must be created through a command of type fdimage.exe-v boot.dsk A: For WinXP/Win2000/WinNT, use the window of commands; Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 15 Win98/Win95/Win3.x to use the DOS mode, in this case not recommend using the DOS command window, because sometimes the writing is performed incorrectly. Use a new disk, of good quality. Many of the errors reported are caused by defective disks. After the generation of the disk, we protect it against written. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 16 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 7 * * * * SOME CONVENTIONS / FEATURES OF TROPIX * * * ************************************************** ******* Conceptually, the operating system is similar to TROPIX UNIX type systems, although there are some differences. To unambiguous way of describing the installation procedure and use TROPIX of the PCs, use the conventions described below. Note and these conventions because they are used in TROPIX as a whole, including the system after installation. Keystrokes <enter> means to press the key that has this name; typing <sp> (blank) means hit the space bar. Keystrokes <^ D> means press both keys "ctl" and "D". By doing this, we first compress the key "ctl" (holding it compressed) and then press the key "D". Similarly, typing <^ A>, <^ B>, ... means to compress the keys "ctl" with "A", "B", ... On some keyboards, we have "ctrl" instead of "ctl". Keystrokes <ctl-alt-del> means compressing both the three keys displayed; hit <reset> means of compressing the button "reset" the PC that, in general, is in the office of the PC (and not in keyboard). Keystrokes "-fd0 tropix means hit the keys in sequence" - ", "f", "d", "0", <sp>, "t", "r", "the", "p", "i", "x" and <enter>. When specify a string for keyboard (such as given above) implicitly assume that a keyboard to <enter> end of the chain (unless it is explicitly stated the otherwise). We must remember that in TROPIX, as in all systems Operating similar to UNIX, uppercase characters are Different lowercase letters. In the above example, therefore, not must compress the key <Shift> because the letters to be generated are all lowercase. Some of the commands may request a TROPIX information / confirmation of action. This request is identified by a "prompt" that can be a character or a string that system writes to the screen. In TROPIX, some of the "prompt" s contain a string brackets before a "." This means that typing chain or simply typing <enter> have the same effect. This string of characters is called the "default", ie what will be interpreted by the lack of a string explicitly keyboard. For the question Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 17 Loads (fd0, tropix)? (s): is equivalent typing "s" followed by <enter> or simply <enter>, which means "yes." If you want to answer "no", we have to hit "n" followed by <enter>. In some commands, an answer with a capital letter ( "S" or "N") means that this and all subsequent questions are answered automatically (yes to "S" and negatively to "N"). The manual for each command (see below) information if it follows this convention. In TROPIX, usually, the system stops writing to the screen complete a screen (24 lines). This is convenient because the user have time to read the text without a new text replaces the text current that (maybe) has not yet been read. To continue writing the text simply typing <^ Q>. Besides, an output on the screen can be stopped at any time by typing <^ S>. This can be changed by the command "stty" (see below). When entering the "multiplayer" (see below) the TROPIX offers 8 independent virtual screens. The switching between the virtual screens is done by typing <^ S> (to stop the output in the virtual screen current), followed by the number of the virtual screen to which want ir (1 to 8), and finally, <^ Q> (to activate the new screen output virtual). Note that the number of the current virtual screen is displayed in the center of the last line. With certain combinations of keys, used sequentially, we can generate special characters. Thus, typing up ", to" get "a" and with "c" get "C". With this method we can get almost all vowels of strong Western languages. If you do not want this composition, just typing "\" between the characters. Thus, example, if keyboard "~ \ the" get "-a". Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 18 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 8 * * * * RUNNING TROPIX DIRECTLY TO CDROM or Floppy * * * ************************************************** ******* Both of the CDROM TROPIX (obtained in Chapter 5), such as floppy disk BOOT (obtained in Chapter 6), contains a compressed image of a TROPIX file system independent. Both can be implemented inserting them into the corresponding drive and typing or <ctl-alt-del> <reset> (this operation, loading the operating system, called the "boot"). Do not forget to check if the order of several devices in sequence of "boot" your computer's BIOS is desired. This is useful for: 1. TROPIX test the compatibility of your computer. If have any conflict, notify us (via the address in Chapter 1). 2. Run TROPIX experimentally, to know the system without changing the hard drive of your computer. 3. Read this guide to install on the computer screen and / or print it on your printer (see the end of this chapter). 4. TROPIX install in your computer's hard drive. There two modes of installation: see Chapter 10. 5. Fix the TROPIX resident on the hard disk, if present problems. After the "reset", the "boot1" (the first stage of operation "boot") will be read from the CDROM or floppy. It is written the message: TROPIX CD boot1, Version: 4.9.0, from 17:06:06 > <Enter> Key will read the "boot2" (the second stage) of the CDROM or floppy; after reading, we have the message TROPIX boot2, Version: 4.9.0, from 17:11:08 Copyright © 1988-2008 NCE / UFRJ Pentium ................................ .................................................. .. ........ (and other data from computer) ............ .................................................. .. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 19 boot> At this point, the "boot2" is awaiting a command. He is a versatile program, which can (among others) load and run a program, edit / print the partition table and list the contents or the memory device. If keyboard "", it prints its list of commands. In our case, we hit "-i" to decompress the image of ROOT file system from the CDROM or floppy disk to an area in end of main memory. This area will then be used as a Ramdas, ie the simulation of a disk into memory. After decompression, the message is written TROPIX Intel x86 - Version 4.9.0 of 28.11.08 ... Copyright © 1988-2008 NCE / UFRJ The operating system is distributed TROPIX ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a "software" free, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, for details, type "man leave." Want to change parameters? (n): <Enter> Key again, the message appears TROPIX (Mycomputer) mono [5]: Once reached this point, the operating system already TROPIX took control in the way "single", with only a active virtual screen (the one you're using). Press <^ D>, to come in "multiplayer" in which several Virtual screens are available. Number will be written information on the screen, until a line containing: LOGIN: Enter "root" and will print the line: Password: Then press "tropix" (which will not be ecoado on screen) and finally will print the line: root @ Mycomputer: [/ home / root] # Ready! A critical part was unsuccessful. The TROPIX is already running on multiuser mode on your computer. During loading, the core of the message write TROPIX Want to change parameters? (n): after which normally <Enter> key. With this, we accept the Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 20 values "default" of parameters, which generally are desired. We can however modify various parameters, the most common the rootdev ", ie the device's root system. This parameter contains the value nodev (ie undefined), and the initialization of core, it seeks a suitable root. The order of search is: 1. TROPIX partitions of hard drives (eg "hda2a"); 2. devices simulating disks from files MS-DOS/Windows (eg "MD1"); 3. CDROMs (eg "hdb" or "sdb"). 4. disks (eg "fd0"). We can change the value "default", with a <raiz desejada> through rootdev = <raiz desejada> and then typing <^ D>. This is useful, for example, when it we have a root partition on a hard disk or file MS-DOS/Windows and want to start a new installation from the CDROM or floppy. Note that the keyboard was that after "LOGIN" is the name of the account ( "root" in the case) and that the keyboard was after "Password" is that their password ( "tropix" in case). This means that we are using the "root", which is the superuser account with credentials (almost) unlimited. This is necessary during installation, but is not recommended for normal use. To see this guide for distribution / installation of the screen computer, type "man install. To move forward / backward by several pages of the guide, use the command <^ D>, <^ U>. To view the content, use "2p" to go directly to the page <n> (obtained through the content), use "<n> p". To terminate the execution of "man", enter "q". To print this guide, use the command cat / usr / man / ref / install> / dev / lp (this is only possible if your PC has the printer on port / IRQ default). Remember that the guide uses the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) character, if your printer does not accept this code character, use the command stty ascii 2> / dev / lp before the "cat" to remove the accents of the characters. If your printer is a HP, accepting the PCL language, you can use the command "hpprint. Another possibility is to print this guide through MS-DOS/Windows using the sequence of commands: Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 21 mount / dev/hda1 / mnt cp / usr / man / ref / install / mnt umount / dev/hda1 where "/ dev/hda1" should be replaced by a partition DOS / Windows FAT 16/32 right (in general you can use your own "/ dev/hda1", it probably is the drive "C"). To obtain the names the partitions corresponding to MS-DOS/Windows partitions, use the command "prdisktb. After these commands, print the file "install" by MS-DOS/Windows, it is better to use Windows, because the code of characters used (ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1)). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 22 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 9 * * * * PREPARATION OF floppy / * OTHER ARCHIVES * * ************************************************** ******* This chapter contains information only for installation by floppy disks. If you are installing from a CDROM, you can skip it. Note that the collection "tropix.tgz" contains the image of 2 disks, BOOT and GAR1. The BOOT disk, has been created in Chapter 6. If you have a partition DOS / Windows or NTFS on your FAT16/32 computer, creating a floppy GAR1 may be waived. The idea is to copy the image to a directory "\ TROPIX" partition DOS / Windows. 1. If you use a UNIX system, you must use the commands type: mount / dev/hda1 / mnt mkdir / mnt / TROPIX gar1.dsk cp / mnt / TROPIX umount / dev/hda1 where "/ dev/hda1" may be replaced by another partition DOS / Windows you want. If your partition is NTFS, find out if your UNIX system supports the writing in these file systems, many UNIX systems (including Linux) support in general only reading). 2. If you use WinXP/Win2000/WinNT/Win98/Win95/Win3.x should use the "Windows Explorer" to create the directory "C: \ TROPIX" and then copy the file "gar1.dsk" for the directory created. Instead of "C", can be used another desired partition. If you do not have a partition DOS / Windows or NTFS on your FAT16/32 computer, or is wanting to install on another computer TROPIX, GAR1 the disk must be created. This should be done the way already seen in Chapter 6 of course susbtituindo to "boot.dsk" by "gar1.dsk. Use diskettes new, of good quality. Many of the errors reported are caused by defective disks. After creation, we protect the disk against written. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 23 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 10 * * * * METHODS OF INSTALLING TROPIX disk * * * ************************************************** ******* There are two ways to install the disk TROPIX: 1. In the TROPIX own partitions. This mode offers the best performance, but the installation requires a certain care. Can be optionally installed a manager "boot", to allow the choice of operating system to load. Follow the sequence of chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. 2. In MS-DOS/Windows files. This mode does not offer a performance as good and "boot" of TROPIX will always be via CDROM or floppy, but the installation is more simple. See the chapters 11, 16 and 17. We suggest you read this guide to the end, before starting the installation, so you'll have a better overview and can evaluate the various options appropriately. The procedures for the installation of TROPIX described here were made for the installation takes place without setbacks. In However, it is possible that (by neglect of the user) is the loss of existing files on your computer and / or the operating system original (eg MS-DOS/Windows) can not run more. This may occur mainly due to the misuse of editor of partitions "fdisk" (Chapter 13). Even during normal use of the system (after installation correct), it is possible to accidentally remove files MS-DOS/Windows for use with mounted FAT partition, or using the "dosmp. Although we have tested the operation of the system, believing that it does not contain any serious error, where there is theoretically a possibility that, through some error still unknown, is affected some other operating system. WE DO NOT LIABLE FOR THESE POSSIBLE ACCIDENTS! YOU IS INSTALLING / USING TROPIX UNDER ITS OWN LIABILITY AND RISK! Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 24 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 11 * * * * INSTALLATION TROPIX IN THE ARCHIVES MS-DOS/Windows * * * ************************************************** ******* This mode offers a performance not as good as the installation of Partitions in TROPIX own, in contrast, the installation is more simply because it is not necessary to rearrange the partitions of the disk. This method is only possible with file systems FAT-16 or FAT-32, is still not possible with NTFS. The idea is to use an existing partition of MS-DOS/Windows it and create the directory "\ TROPIX" containing 2 files: "ROOT" and "HOME". These files will contain the systems TROPIX files and load the system will be done through CDROM or floppy disk. The steps of the installation are: 1. Initially it is interesting to verify the integrity of MS-DOS/Windows partition chosen. For this use the CHKDSK utility or SCANDISK (MS-DOS or Windows). Another option is to use NDD (Norton Disk Doctor) of "NORTON Utilities. "Note the size of available free space of partition chosen: for a normal installation are required 128 MB. 2. As a second step, we defragment the partition chosen. This means compress all files MS-DOS/Windows the beginning of the partition, so it is only a free area at the end, which will create the 2 files in the directory "\ TROPIX. This can be done by Defrag utility (MS-DOS or Windows) or the DISK SPEED the "Norton Utilities". 3. Enter the BOOT ROM or floppy disk and load the TROPIX system (as in chapter 8). Log in multiuser mode. 4. Go to the directory "/ usr / etc / install" (use the command "cd / usr / etc / install "). The normal installation will occupy 128 MB of MS-DOS/Windows your partition (64 MB for the ROOT, 64 MB for HOME), which is sufficient for the graphical interface X-Window. If you have this space available and is happy with it, go to step 5. To change the size of the installation, just edit the file "install.dos" (see chapter 25, for an introduction to the use the text editor "vi"). To change the size of a file, simply change the number after the line that starting with "mkfile. 5. Start the installation, typing the command "install.dos. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 25 Note that with "C:" we are referring to the first partition regular first disc, ditto with "D" for the second disc. This step creates the 2 files in the partition MS-DOS/Windows chosen, creates file systems and copies the TROPIX TROPIX files to the hard disk. During installation (if you're installing from floppy disks) will be need an additional disk (whose content will be lost) to be used for the loading of TROPIX. Follow the instructions. If you want to keep an older version of system HOME files, DO NOT delete the file MS-DOS/Windows HOME (disregard the message "The file" home "already exists") and respond affirmatively to the question "Want to keep the older version of HOME ". 6. Congratulations! The TROPIX is already installed and operational in its hard disk. If you want to run TROPIX, simply reload the system (<ctl-alt-del> typing or <reset>) with the CDROM or the DOS floppy disk inserted. In the case of the CDROM, it is necessary modify the system root for "MD1" during loading of nucleus (ie, type 'MD1 = rootdev). If the CDROM and floppy are not entered, will loading the operating system standard (eg MS-DOS/Windows). To exit the TROPIX, use the command "shutdown". 7. To uninstall TROPIX its MS-DOS/Windows partition, simply remove the directory "\ TROPIX" (along with their 2 files). To facilitate the future installation of a new version of TROPIX, recommend placing your files only on your private the "home" (the file name starting with "/ home /..."). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 26 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 12 * * * Disks and partition * * * * ************************************************** ******* To install the partitions in TROPIX own (which enables the best performance) to have a basic concept of how are organized on PC hard drives. Each disc is divided into one or more sections called "partitions". Each of these partitions is designed to be used by an operating system (in some cases some of the partitions can be shared by two or more operating systems). We can have up to 4 partitions "regular" (or "primary") in each disc. If this number is not enough, we can define one of partitions as the type "extended", which may contain several other (sub-) partitions partitions called "logical". Users of MS-DOS/Windows certainly have had contact with partitions, since these systems each partition receives a letter, starting from "C". Thus, we have partitions "C", "D", "E", ... The nomenclature used in TROPIX is quite different set of letters above. Let's consider a computer with one IDE disk. The four partitions are called "hda1", "hda2", "hda3" and "hda4. If one is "extended" for example "hda3" she contain the (sub-) partitions "logical" hda3a "," hda3b, "... Besides this, we have "hda" to represent the disc as a whole. If your computer has more of an IDE disk, the second is the "hdb ..." instead of "hda ..." (simply replace the "at" with "b" in example above). If your computer has SCSI disks, the names will be "sda ..."," sdb ...", ... (simply replace the "h" in "s" in the example above). As already mentioned, we have only one extended partition. By this, in TROPIX was a new type of partition extended (the extended partition type TROPIX), structurally identical to the original, but with a different identification code. The objective is to enable the grouping of all (sub-) partitions TROPIX desired in only one partition (extended) alone, even which is already an extended partition traditional (we call kind of). Choosing the distribution of its multiple partitions (one or mais) disks, must be taken into account how many disks are present, how many partitions are needed / already allocated, ... In the example of the next chapter, we create a (new) partition Extended (Type TROPIX) to include all partitions TROPIX. This is a simple and elegant, it only need particiju vague. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 27 Naturally, we can also create a partition for each regular TROPIX desired partition, or adding new partitions logical TROPIX a DOS extended partition already exists. For the purpose of "boot", the file system of ROOT can TROPIX be allocated to any partition of any disk. If space is available in more than one hard disk, strongly advised to distribute the partitions between the various discs. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 28 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 13 * * * * The EDITOR of partitions "fdisk" * * * ************************************************** ******* As with other operating systems also have the TROPIX your partition editor, who (as usual) is also called "fdisk". However, TROPIX the "fdisk" is incorporated into "boot2," and can only be performed during loading of the system (and not with the system already running). The idea is to emphasize the impossibility to change the partitions to the system in operation. To run "fdisk", insert the CDROM or floppy disk of the BOOT TROPIX, and recharge the system (as in chapter 8). When arise the "prompt" boot> "the" boot2, "type"-f ": boot>-f Entering the editor, tables, partitions "fdisk" Enter "?" for a list of commands Disk "hda": 6149.88 MB (12594960 blocks) geo = (784, 255, 63, L) IND. -DEV-AD-START-- END-BLOCK-TAM (MB) TYPE 1 hda1 * 63 4209029 4208967 2055.16 0C DOS FAT32 (L) The geometry of the disc ( "geo") is given by the number of cylinders (784), number of heads (255) and the number of sectors per track (63). The letter "L" indicates that the end to this disc, the extensions the INT 13 BIOS are active (otherwise, the letter indicated would be "G"). As with the "prompt" the "fdisk", typing "?" get a list commands available: fdisk>? Editor of the partition table commands: -: Print the partition table p: Idem with vacancies areas c: Exchange the device (disk) n: Creates a new partition d: Delete a partition m: Changes the size of a partition a: Exchange the state (active / not active) partition l: Prints the types of partitions Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 29 t: Exchange type of partition s: Print the vague areas of the disc u: On / off alignment (starts on) w: Rewrite (updates) the partition table on disk q: Terminates the execution of the editor of partitions Note: For any given application, "n" command cancels the Initially we will create an extended partition to contain the 2 file systems (traditional) of TROPIX. Press "n" and follow the following dialog (note the choice of the extended partition type): fdisk> n Give the desired type: regular (r), extended (e) or logical (l): e Number of partition = 2? (s): Give the type of extended partition: DOS (d) or TROPIX (x): x Initial block = 4209030? (s): End block = 12402179 (4000.56 MB)? (s): n Take the desired size (MB): 128 Disk "hda": 6149.88 MB (12594960 blocks) geo = (784, 255, 63, L) IND. -DEV-AD-START-- END-BLOCK-TAM (MB) TYPE 1 hda1 * 63 4209029 4208967 2055.16 0C DOS FAT32 (L) 2 hda2 4209030 4482134 273105 133.35 AE TROPIX Extended At this point we can (optionally) use the "u" for not align the following partitions (see below). The example continues assuming that we have not the command "u". Then we create a logical partition to the root. Press "n" and follow the following dialogue: fdisk> n Give the desired type: regular (r), extended (e) or logical (l): l Extended partition "hda2": Initial block = 4209093? (s): End block = 4482134 (133.32 MB)? (s): n Take the desired size (MB): 64 Disk "hda": 6149.88 MB (12594960 blocks) geo = (784, 255, 63, L) IND. -DEV-AD-START-- END-BLOCK-TAM (MB) TYPE 1 hda1 * 63 4209029 4208967 2055.16 0C DOS FAT32 (L) 2 hda2 4209030 4482134 273105 133.35 AE TROPIX Extended 3 hda2a 4209093 4353614 144522 70.57 A9 TROPIX T1 Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 30 Then we create a logical partition to HOME. Press "n" and follow the following dialogue: fdisk> n Give the desired type: regular (r), extended (e) or logical (l): l Extended partition "hda2": Initial block = 4353678? (s): End block = 4482134 (62.72 MB)? (s): Disk "hda": 6149.88 MB (12594960 blocks) geo = (784, 255, 63, L) IND. -DEV-AD-START-- END-BLOCK-TAM (MB) TYPE 1 hda1 * 63 4209029 4208967 2055.16 0C DOS FAT32 (L) 2 hda2 4209030 4482134 273105 133.35 AE TROPIX Extended 3 hda2a 4209093 4353614 144522 70.57 A9 TROPIX T1 4 hda2b 4353678 4482134 128457 62.72 A9 TROPIX T1 Finally, we will enable the root partition, to allow the load system ( "boot") by the load manager (the "boot0). Press "a" and follow the following dialogue: fdisk> to Index of the partition: 3 Disk "hda": 6149.88 MB (12594960 blocks) geo = (784, 255, 63, L) IND. -DEV-AD-START-- END-BLOCK-TAM (MB) TYPE 1 hda1 * 63 4209029 4208967 2055.16 0C DOS FAT32 (L) 2 hda2 4209030 4482134 273105 133.35 AE TROPIX Extended 3 hda2a * 4209093 4353614 144522 70.57 A9 TROPIX T1 4 hda2b 4353678 4482134 128457 62.72 A9 TROPIX T1 Once attached to the partition table, we can write it in disk through the following commands: fdisk> w Rewrites the partition table? (n): s fdisk> q Leaving the editor, tables, partitions boot> The only command "dangerous" is the "w" (with the confirmation), as all other commands only modify the table of partitions in main memory, not update it on your hard disk. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 31 So you can "play" at will, creating and removing partitions, until you are satisfied with your configuration, giving then the "w" final. Note that the data sizes (128 MB, 64 MB and 64 MB) were followed exactly, in fact they were rounded to multiples of the size of the cylinder of the disk. As this disc has a reasonably large cylinder (255 * 63 = 16065 blocks = ~ 7.8 MB) differences are significant. One way to avoid this is to use command "u", which prevents the rounding. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 32 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 14 * * * * Reduce the size of a partition MS-DOS/Windows * * * ************************************************** ******* One of the most frequent is to PCs that have only one disk Rigid fully occupied with only one partition MS-DOS/Windows, corresponding to "C:". In this case, at first sight, there are only 2 possibilities for more space for partitions TROPIX: install a new hard disk, or save your files and reinstall MS-DOS/Windows MS-DOS/Windows in a partition of smaller size. A third possibility is to reduce the partition MS-DOS/Windows in their location (ie, without destroying the its contents). This can be done by the command "chsize" of utility "dosmp. You can also use the "fips" of LINUX, or the program Partition Magic, Powerquest's name, if you by chance have the. Before using the command "chsize", to reduce the size of MS-DOS/Windows partition, it is essential to verify its integrity and defragmenting it. The verification of integrity can be made by CHKDSK utility or SCANDISK (the MS-DOS/Windows) or NDD (Norton Disk Doctor) of "Norton Utilities". The defragmentação can be made by the defrag utility (the MS-DOS/Windows), or the SPEED DISK of "Norton Utilities". Remember that the programs of defragmentation may NOT move the file to swap the MS-DOS/Windows. You must remove it (using the "Control Panel") and then reinstall it. If you or MIRROR IMAGE USA, the last sector of the partition contains a file "hidden" name of "\ image.idx" or "\ mirorsav.fil. You must remove this file (using "attrib" and "del"). It will be recreated the next time you run or MIRROR IMAGE (we hope, not tested). Another source of problems are the files named "* \ desktop .*", the which Windows does not move: they must be saved and later restored. If you a USA system compressed files with "Stacker," "SuperStor", "Doublespace," ... possibly (?) "Chsize" will not work. Not tested "chsize" in these cases (even if we know PARTITION MAGIC the support). After defragmentation, insert the CDROM or floppy disk of the BOOT TROPIX and push the system (as in chapter 8), entering the multiuser mode. Remove the boot floppy (if you are installing from floppy disk) and insert a floppy disk (for example MS-DOS/Windows) and Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 33 mount it by mount / dev/fd0 / fd0 This disk is intended to store the original superbloco MS-DOS/Windows file system in case of any problems. Then press cd / fd0 dosmp / dev/hda1 where "/ dev/hda1" should be replaced by the corresponding partition MS-DOS/Windows the file system in question (in general will be the "/ dev/hda1" which is the drive "C"). Typing chsize get (eg): Size of the existing DOS partition = 511.84 MB Current size of the file system DOS = 511.84 MB Space available at the end = 427.26 MB Make sure the free space available is sufficient for the new desired partition. In our example, we have enough space for the typical case of 128 MB (427.26> 128). Remember of course leave some room for future (new) files DOS. To free up 128 MB (which will be used for the new partition to be created for the TROPIX), we hit rw chsize-s 128 and get (for example): Size of the existing DOS partition = 511.84 MB Current size of the file system DOS = 511.84 MB Space available at the end = 427.26 MB The new DOS partition size = 382.03 MB (782401 blocks) Size of new file system DOS = 382.03 MB Size of the new partition (to be created) = 129.81 MB (265856 blocks) Continue? (n): Note that the values are not exactly the requests due to rounding to whole cylinders. If we agree with the values given, we hit "s" and note the values given: the new DOS partition size = 382.03 MB, 782,401 blocks and size of new partition (to be created) = 129.81 MB, 265856 blocks. The command "dosmp" superbloco saves the original system DOS files in the file "dos_sb" the current directory (if in mounted disk) to the case of any problems. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 34 Then we do "dosmp" (with "q") and TROPIX (with "reboot"). MS-DOS/Windows again between the system and make sure he still functioning properly. Check the integrity of file system (usually "C:") and if all your files remain accessible. If there is a problem with the system MS-DOS/Windows, restore the original file system, reload the TROPIX and running commands mount / dev/fd0 / fd0 cd / fd0 dos_sb dd if = of = / dev/hda1 with the disk on which was stored in the original superbloco DOS system. In this case, notify us (using the address e of Chapter 1) the failure of "chsize. Once established that the system is working MS-DOS/Windows correctly, use the "fdisk" the TROPIX (as Chapter 13) to change the partition table. Initially, change the size of the DOS partition (using command "m"). The new size (value in blocks) should be exactly the size noted above (in this case, 382.03 MB, 782,401 blocks). Finally, create a partition in space TROPIX released as example in Chapter 13 (in this case, 129.81 MB, 265856 blocks). Ready! It is time to install the new partition TROPIX, as Chapter 15. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 35 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 15 * * * * INSTALLATION TROPIX on partitions OWN * * * ************************************************** ******* This is the best way, it offers the best performance and allows the installation of "boot0," a manager "boot". This manager allows the choice of operating system to load (from TROPIX way that can be loaded without the use of CDROM or diskette). He has been tested with Linux, FreeBSD and DOS/WinXP/Win2000/WinNT/Win98/Win95/Win3.x. If you're reading this chapter, we assume that you already have space in TROPIX disk partitions and have to learn how to use the editor, partitions "fdisk". The idea is to create two or more partitions for TROPIX. The minimum is to create a root partition. We recommend, however, create at least one more, HOME, to contain the files private users. If you have 128 MB available, we suggest 64 MB and 64 MB for ROOT for HOME, these sizes will be sufficient even for X-Window graphical interface. If you have more space available, you can increase the sizes of partitions, or to create partitions additional. The steps of the installation are: 1. Create partitions for TROPIX by the editor of partitions "fdisk" (see chapter 13). DO NOT forget to "enable" the root partition. It is not necessary that the partition ROOT (which will be given the "boot") is the first disc. We suggest creating an extended partition type to TROPIX contain the various partitions needed / desired, that the But it is not necessary: it is more convenient for your case, the partitions TROPIX may also be of the "regular" ( "primary"), or logical partitions within a DOS extended partition type. If you have more than one disk, it is interesting to distribute the various partitions by disks. 2. Enter the BOOT ROM or floppy disk and load the TROPIX system (as in chapter 8). Log in multiuser mode. 3. Go to the directory "/ usr / etc / install" (use the command "cd / usr / etc / install "). Start the installation via the command "install". This step creates file systems in TROPIX selected partition and copies the files of the fundamental TROPIX to the hard disk. Follow the instructions. If you want to keep an older version of system HOME files, answer yes to question "Would Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 36 keep the old version of HOME ", and for a copy of files does not permit the rewriting of the files. "profile." Congratulations! The TROPIX is already installed and operational on your disk rigid. If you installed the manager, "boot" to run TROPIX, recharge the system with the CDROM or floppy inserted BOOT, and "prompt" boot> <enter> hit. If the system is recharged without CDROM or will load the disk operating system "normal" (eg Windows 95/98). If you install the manager, after the recharge of the system manager prints a list of partition "active" of its several disks, and hopes you hit the index of the partition desired. The partition "default" can be modified through command "edboot. To exit the system TROPIX, use "shutdown". If the manager of "boot" does not work, reload the TROPIX via CDROM or floppy BOOT (enter in multiuser mode) and restore the original manager, running the command-type cat / etc / boot / mbr> / dev / hda and notify us (via e-mail address in Chapter 1) to failure of "boot0. To facilitate the future installation of a new version of TROPIX, recommend placing your files only on your private the "home" (the file name starting with "/ home /..."). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 37 ************************************************** ******* * * * Chapter 16 * * * * SET OF USB DRIVERS * * * ************************************************** ******* O TROPIX (na versão atual) suporta controladores USB dos padrões UHCI, OHCI e EHCI. Há previsão de até 8 controladores ("usb0" a "usb7"); o sistema vem configurado com os controladores "usb0" a "usb3" habilitados e os demais desabilitados. Isto pode ser alterado (somente para esta execução do sistema) através da modificação de parâmetros durante a carga do sistema; responda afirmativamente à pergunta Deseja modificar parâmetros? (n): tal como mencionado no capítulo 8, e altere os valores de "usb0" a "usb7" para 0 ou 1. Para a habilitação/desabilitação dos controladores (de modo permamente) use o comando "edscb" (Use "man scb" e "man edscb"). Para verificar se o controlador USB está sendo reconhecido corretamente, acompanhe as mensagens durante a carga do sistema (ou então use o comando "dmesg" posteriormente). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 38 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 17 * * * * E AGORA ...? * * * ************************************************** ******* Uma vez com o sistema implantado e em funcionamento, temos todos os manuais do TROPIX (em português) à disposição através do utilitário "man". Além disto, todos os comandos fornecem um pequeno resumo de sua utilização através da opção "-H" (por exemplo "passwd -H"). Para consultar o manual do utilitário "passwd" (por exemplo), tecle "man passwd". Para avançar/retroceder pelas várias páginas dos manuais, temos os comandos <^D>, <^U>. Para encerrar a execução de "man", use "q". Experimente "man man". Recomendamos inicialmente a modificação da senha da conta "root" e a criação de contas regulares (isto é, NÃO superusuários). Para a modificação de senhas, utilize o comando "passwd"; para a criação/gerência de contas, use o comando "edusr". Também uma tarefa importante é a atualização do arquivo "/etc/fstab", que contém informações dos sistemas de arquivos a montar. Leia o manual de "fstab" (fmt), "getmntent" (libc) e "mount" (cmd). Em particular, se você não tiver a partição HOME, remova a linha correspondente de "/etc/fstab". De vez em quando (digamos, uma vez por semana) é interessante verificar a integridade dos sistemas de arquivos. Para tanto, após a carga do sistema (ainda em modo "monousuário"), utilize o comando "fsck". Repare que o arquivo "/etc/fstab" também controla os sistemas de arquivos examinados por "fsck" (convém colocar o "/dev/root" como o último da lista). Para obter uma lista de todas as partições presentes nos diversos discos do seu computador, use "prdisktb". Através do comando "edscb" você pode alterar o nome do computador ("nodename") e acertar as portas/IRQs dos seus dispositivos (portas seriais, paralelas, "ethernet", ...). Use "man scb" e "man edscb". O TROPIX é distribuído com o DMA dos controladores IDE desligados, pois com certos controladores podem surgir problemas. Experimente ligá-lo através de "dmaenable=1", inicialmente durante o "boot" para testar, e se funcionar adequadamente, no arquivo "/tropix" através do utilitário "edscb". Com isto, você aumentará a performance dos seus discos rígidos IDE. Leia o capítulo 26, onde é dada uma lista dos principais comandos do TROPIX. Aprenda a usar o "histórico" do "sh". Ele permite reexecutar comandos, inclusive com modificações (cada linha do histórico pode ser editada com os mesmos comandos do "vi", antes de ser reexecutada). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 39 Esta versão do TROPIX já possui o utilitário "sbwave" para tocar músicas PCM através de placas "Sound Blaster" ISA, veja o manual. Durante a instalação, a INTERNET já é configurada para funcionar no modo interno ("loopback"), o que é necessário pela Interface Gráfica X-Window. Para configurar a INTERNET para o uso com outros dispositivos, use "man internet". Para a montagem de sistemas de arquivos remotos através do Sistema de Arquivos NFS (Network File System), use "man nfs". Leia o capítulo 18: ele menciona características não convencionais do TROPIX, as quais incluímos no sistema por considerá-las úteis. Para instalar a Interface Gráfica X-Window, consulte os capítulos 19 a 22. Para obter/compilar o código fonte do TROPIX, consulte os capítulos 23 e 24. Naturalmente, este capítulo dá apenas o resumo de uma direção geral a tomar. O ideal é consultar um livro de introdução ao UNIX. Esperamos que o TROPIX lhe seja útil, tanto no aprendizado de sistemas de filosofia UNIX, como na utilização de mais um sistema operacional. Em caso de dúvidas ou relatos de erros, utilize o endereço eletrônico do capítulo 1. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 40 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 18 * * * * CARACTERÍSTICAS E UTILITÁRIOS ORIGINAIS DO TROPIX * * * ************************************************** ******* Embora o TROPIX seja um sistema de filosofia UNIX, há algumas características originais que não são encontradas em outros sistemas deste tipo. A seguir são dadas algumas destas originalidades: 1. Na maioria dos sistemas UNIX, quando listamos um arquivo de várias páginas no vídeo, ele "rola" fora da tela antes que possamos le-lo. Temos então de usar o comando "more" na forma cat texto.txt | more ou então, more texto.txt Isto é o caso, também, se usamos o comando "ls -l" com diretórios contendo muitos arquivos. No TROPIX, isto não é necessário; a saída do vídeo é pausada quando ela completa o número de linhas visíveis. To continuar a saída no vídeo, basta teclar <^Q>. Isto pode ser alterado através do comando "stty" (veja o respectivo manual). 2. O utilitário "show": permite visualizar um arquivo de texto de forma conveniente no vídeo, podendo avançar/retroceder sobre o texto com comandos semelhantes ao do editor de textos "vi". É especialmente útil para examinar a saída de um programa, usando um "pipe" (veja o manual). 3. O comando "gar": este utilitário é uma extensão do "tar", padrão do mundo UNIX. O "gar", além de criar/extrair coleções do formato "tar", extrair coleções do formato "cpio", ele cria/extrai/compara/adiciona coleções do formato próprio ("gar") com/sem compactação. Você certamente já utilizou o "gar" ao instalar o TROPIX (veja o manual). 4. Os utilitários "cmptree/cptree"; permitem copiar/comparar/atualizar árvores do sistema de arquivos locais ao próprio computadores (veja o manual). 5. A família de utilitários "tcmpto": permite copiar/comparar/atualizar árvores do sistema de arquivos de/entre o computador local e um computador remoto, através de protocolo próprio TCP/IP (veja o manual). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 41 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 19 * * * * INTRODUÇÃO À INTERFACE GRÁFICA X-WINDOW * * * ************************************************** ******* O sistema X-Window para o TROPIX é uma interface gráfica baseada na versão 4.7.0 distribuída pelo Consórcio XFree86. A presente versão inclui servidores específicos para algumas das placas gráficas mais usuais. Além disto, são distribuídos os clientes indispensáveis para o funcionamento mínimo do sistema. Apesar de os monitores modernos possuírem circuitos de proteção contra o uso com freqüências horizontal e/ou vertical indevidas, sempre existe teoricamente a possibilidade de danificar o seu monitor. NÓS NÃO NOS RESPONSABILIZAMOS POR ESTES POSSÍVEIS DANOS AO SEU MONITOR. VOCÊ ESTÁ INSTALANDO/UTILIZANDO A INTERFACE GRÁFICA DO TROPIX SOB SUA PRÓPRIA RESPONSABILIDADE E RISCO! Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 42 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 20 * * * * CRIAÇÃO E INSTALAÇÃO DOS DISQUETES/ARQUIVOS * * DA INTERFACE GRÁFICA * * * ************************************************** ******* Este capítulo contém informações apenas para a instalação através de disquetes. Se você está instalando através de um CDROM, pode pulá-lo. A distribuição da Interface Gráfica X-Window é feita através da coleção "xwin.tgz": obtenha-a na página do TROPIX (""). Uma vez tendo obtida esta coleção, é necessário preparar os 2 arquivos ou criar os 2 disquetes de 3½". Ela contém os seguintes arquivos: fdimage.exe xwin1.dsk xwin2.dsk O arquivo "fdimage.exe" é um utilitário de cópia para os Windows (você provavelmente já o tem, obtido durante a instalação do TROPIX básico), e os arquivos restantes são os conteúdos dos 2 disquetes. Assim como no caso do TROPIX básico, se você possui uma partição DOS/Windows FAT16/32 ou NTFS em seu computador, a criação dos disquetes XWIN1 e XWIN2 pode ser dispensada. Siga o roteiro do capítulo 9 (substituindo "gar1" por "xwin1" e "xwin2"). Uma vez com os disquetes ou arquivos preparados, entre no sistema TROPIX (como superusuário), vá para o diretório "/usr/etc/install", e execute o comando install.xwin e siga as suas instruções. O sistema necessita de cerca de 10 MB no disco. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 43 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 21 * * * * CONFIGURAÇÃO DA INTERFACE GRÁFICA * * * ************************************************** ******* Uma vez instalados todos os arquivos da Interface Gráfica X-Window (se você está instalando através do CDROM isto é automático, para o caso de disquetes veja o capítulo anterior), vamos dar a seguir o método passo a passo para a configuração do sistema. Isto deve ser feito como superusuário. 1. Configuração da "internet": Ela deverá está ativa, pelo menos para acessos internos ("loopback"); isto normalmente, a instalação do TROPIX já realiza. Para maiores detalhes, veja o manual "internet" (através do comando "man"). 2. Especificação do "mouse": O sistema vem configurado para o "mouse" PS/2. Para outros tipos de "mouse, o arquivo "/usr/xwin/conf/xconfig" deverá ser editado. Se o seu "mouse" for serial (COM1, COM2) ou USB, mova os dois caracteres "#" das linhas do seu tipo de "mouse" para as duas linhas do "mouse" PS/2. Use o utilitário "dmesg" para verificar se, durante a carga do sistema, o seu "mouse" está sendo reconhecido. 3. Execução do servidor no modo de 16 cores (4 bits). Inicialmente o arquivo de configuração "/usr/xwin/conf/xconfig" está preparado para executar o servidor no modo gráfico do padrão VGA, de 16 cores e resolução de 640x480 e 800x600. Este modo deve funcionar com qualquer placa gráfica, e será sua (única) opção caso a sua placa não tenha sucesso nas tentativas abaixo. Para tanto, basta teclar o comando "startx" (sem ter alterado o arquivo de configuração). O sistema iniciará com o fundo padrão do TROPIX, duas janelas "xterm", um relógio e um selecionador de "desktops". Em cada janela "xterm" é executado o interpretador de comandos padrão "sh". Para voltar ao modo texto, a maneira mais simples é teclar simultaneamente <ctl-alt-bs>. Este é o modo mais básico de funcionamento do sistema X-Window; se ele não funcionar envie-nos os arquivos "/var/log/xwin/xserver.log" e "/var/log/xwin/xclients.log" para o endereço eletrônico do capítulo 1. 4. Determinação da placa gráfica: Uma vez funcionando no modo de 16 cores, podemos verificar se existe a possibilidade de utilizar um servidor específico para a sua placa gráfica. Isto proporcionará a possibilidade de usar uma gama maior de Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 44 cores, e outras resoluções (800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, ...). Dependendo da sua placa gráfica, podemos editar o arquivo de configuração "/usr/xwin/conf/xconfig". Se for uma placa ATI, coloque em comentário as linhas: Driver "svga" Device "Generic VGA" colocando um "#" no início da linha, e tire o comentário das linhas: Driver "accel" Device "ati" Além disto, altere o número de bits por cor comentando a linha: DefaultColorDepth 4 e tirando o "#" de uma das linhas (experimente): DefaultColorDepth 8 DefaultColorDepth 16 DefaultColorDepth 24 Para cada tentativa, entre no modo gráfico teclando "startx", e para voltar ao modo de texto, tecle simultaneamente <ctl-alt-bs>. Obtenha infomações de sucesso/insucesso no arquivo "/var/log/xwin/xserver.log". As instruções são semelhantes, se a sua placa for uma NVIDIA ou TRIDENT, usando-se Device "nv" ou Device "trident" 5. Se a sua placa gráfica não for uma das acima, ou as tentativas acima não tiveram sucesso, você poderá apenas (na presente versão) usar o modo de 16 cores (4 bits). 6. Para alterar de resolução, tecle <ctl-alt-+> ou <ctl-alt--> ("+" e "-" do teclado numérico). Uma vez funcionando, você poderá tentar alterar o número de cores e o tamanho do seu "desktop". Em caso de não conseguir, envie-nos os dois arquivos do diretório "/var/log/xwin", conforme acima. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 45 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 22 * * * * UTILIZAÇÃO BÁSICA DA INTERFACE GRÁFICA * * * ************************************************** ******* Uma vez com o sistema em funcionamento, teremos (com já foi citado acima), duas janelas "xterm", um relógio e um selecionador de "desktops". A pequena janela "xterm" superior é a da "console", e não deve ser usada normalmente, pois nela serão escritas as mensagens de erro do sistema operacional. Para movimentar uma janela, clique e arraste o botão da esquerda do "mouse" na moldura da janela. Para alterar o tamanho de uma janela, clique e arraste o botão da esquerda do "mouse" em um dos 4 cantos da janela (nem todas as janelas admitem isto). Para promover uma janela (isto é, colocá-la na frente das demais), clique o botão da esquerda na moldura da janela. Para rebaixá-la (isto é, colocá-la atrás das demais), clique o botão da direita na moldura da janela. Se você tiver um "mouse" de 3 botões, pode também promover uma janela com o botão do meio. O botão da esquerda, clicado fora de qualquer janela, apresenta um "menu" de utilitários, além da opção para sair do modo gráfico (retornando ao modo de texto). O botão da direita, clicado fora de qualquer janela, apresenta uma lista das janelas ativas. Tudo o que foi descrito até agora refere-se ao "desktop" 0. Clicando em um outro selecionador de "desktop" (no canto inferior direito), você terá um novo espaço independente para a criação de janelas. Você dispõe (na presente configuração), de 6 "desktops". Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 46 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 23 * * * * OBTENÇÃO E INSTALAÇÃO DO CÓDIGO FONTE DO TROPIX * * * ************************************************** ******* O código fonte do TROPIX é distribuído através dos 3 arquivos "kernel.tgz" (o núcleo do sistema), "lib.tgz" (as bibliotecas) e "cmd.tgz" (os utilitários). Tratam-se de coleções TAR comprimidas através do utilitário "gzip". Uma vez obtida uma coleção "*.tgz" através de um navegador, devemos descomprimi-la. Isto pode ser feito de diversos modos: 1. Se você armazenou a coleção "*.tgz" em um sistema de arquivos DOS/Windows FAT16/32, e está com o TROPIX instalado, pode acessá-la diretamente através do TROPIX, montando a partição com um comando da forma mount /dev/hda1 /mnt Em seguida, descomprima-a com: cd /mnt/... (Diretório do TROPIX) gunzip *.tgz (Nome da coleção) gar -ixv <*.tar (Nome da coleção TAR obtida) rm *.tar (Remove a coleção TAR) 2. Se a sua partição DOS/Windows for NTFS (como ela é somente de leitura), o procedimento acima deverá ser efetuado após a cópia do arquivo "*.tgz" para uma partição TROPIX. 3. Se você está usando um sistema UNIX, deverá usar os utilitários "gunzip" e "tar". Verifique os detalhes no seu sistema UNIX. 4. Se você está apenas com Windows, pode descomprimir a coleção com o utilitário "Winzip" e ler cada um dos programas através dos utilitários "Notepad", "Wordpad" ou "Word", entre outros. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 47 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 24 * * * * COMPILAÇÃO DO NÚCLEO, BIBLIOTECAS * * E UTILITÁRIOS DO TROPIX * * * ************************************************** ******* Abaixo damos orientações para compilar os diversos componentes da distribuição do código fonte do TROPIX: 1. NÚCLEO DO SISTEMA: Uma vez com a árvore do núcleo instalada no TROPIX, você poderá compilar os diversos módulos que a integram: "boot/boot0", "boot/boot1", "boot/boot2" e "kernel". Em cada um dos diretórios há o "Makefile" para controlar a respectiva compilação. Repare que no diretório "kernel" há o arquivo "scbfile.v" que contém parâmetros para configurar o seu núcleo em particular (veja "edscb" (cmd)). 2. BIBLIOTECAS: Na raiz da árvore há um "Makefile" para a compilação de todas as 4 bibliotecas. Se for desejado, pode ser compilada cada uma delas separadamente (indo para o diretório correspondente). 3. UTILITÁRIOS: Na raiz da árvore há um "Makefile" para a compilação de todos os utilitários. Se for desejado, pode ser compilado cada um deles separadamente (indo para o diretório correspondente). Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 48 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 25 * * * * O USO DO EDITOR DE TEXTOS "VI" * * * ************************************************** ******* O utilitário "vi" é o editor de textos "padrão" dos sistemas operacionais de filosofia UNIX. Neste capítulo será dada uma pequena introdução ao seu uso, suficiente para realizar alterações nos arquivos de configuração (que eventualmente sejam necessárias), durante a instalação do TROPIX. Maiores detalhes poderão ser vistos (posteriormente com o sistema em funcionamento regular), atráves de "man vi" ou ainda "man -g vi". Para editar um arquivo (por exemplo, de nome "abc"), teclamos "vi abc", e o "vi" inicia o seu funcionamento mostrando a primeira página do arquivo "abc", com o cursor no primeiro caractere da primeira linha. Podemos então utilizar os seguintes comandos (repare que o cursor indica onde o comando será executado): <sp> Avança (o cursor de) um caractere na linha. <bs> Retrocede um caractere na linha. "-" Retrocede uma linha no arquivo. <enter> Avança uma linha no arquivo. <^D> Avança meia página no arquivo. <^U> Retrocede meia página no arquivo. "1g" Retrocede para o início do arquivo. "g" Avança para o final do arquivo. "i" Insere texto antes do cursor (até um <esc>). "a" Insere texto após o cursor (até um <esc>). "o" Cria novas linhas e insere texto (até um <esc>). "x" Remove o caractere indicado pelo cursor. "dd" Remove uma linha. "yyp" Copia uma linha. "/..." Procura a cadeia "..." "n" Procura a ocorrência seguinte da cadeia. "N" Procura a ocorrência anterior da cadeia. "." Repete o último comando de edição. "u" Desfaz o último comando de edição. ":w" Atualiza o arquivo. ":q" Sai do "vi" (somente se o arquivo está atualizado). ":q!" Sai do "vi", sem atualizar o arquivo. Repare que o arquivo sendo editado ("abc" no caso) só será atualizado quando for dado o comando ":w". Se foi feita acidentalmente alguma modificação indesejada, podemos sair do "vi" com o comando ":q!", conservando o arquivo em sua forma original. Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 49 ************************************************** ******* * * * Capítulo 26 * * * * UMA LISTA DOS PRINCIPAIS COMANDOS DOS TROPIX * * * ************************************************** ******* Para a sua comodidade, damos abaixo uma lista alfabética dos principais comandos do TROPIX, juntamente com uma breve descrição de cada um. Para obter mais informações sobre um comando "x" (por exemplo), use "man x". a2ps - conversor de arquivos texto em PostScript as - montador para INTEL-80386/486/PENTIUM bison - gerador de analisadores sintáticos do GNU c - escreve as linhas de um arquivo em várias colunas cat - concatena e copia arquivos cc - compilador para a linguagem "C" cdplay - reproduz faixas de CDs cdtowave - extrai faixas de CDs chgrp - troca a identificação do grupo de arquivos chmod - modifica a permissão de acesso de arquivos chown - troca a identificação do dono (UID) de arquivos clear - limpa a tela do terminal clr - limpa a tela do terminal cls - limpa a tela do terminal cmp - compara pares de arquivos cmpobj - compara pares de módulos objeto cmptree - compara árvores comm - seleciona ou rejeita linhas comuns a dois arquivos ordenados coremap - imprime um mapa de alocação da memória cp - copia arquivos cpfs - copia sistemas de arquivos cptree - copia uma árvore crypt - codifica/decodifica arquivos data - mostra/atualiza a data/hora corrente do sistema dc - calculador de mesa com aritmética inteira dd - copia e converte arquivos df - informa sobre o espaço disponível de sistemas de arquivos diff - comparador diferencial de arquivos dmesg - imprime as mensagens iniciais de carga do núcleo dosmp - monta/processa um sistema de arquivos no formato MS-DOS/Windows du - informa sobre o uso de disco echo - ecoa os arqumentos ed - editor de textos orientado por linhas edboot - gerencia "boot0" e "boot2" editscb - edita/imprime o bloco de controle da INTERNET edobj - editor de módulos objeto edscb - imprime/edita o bloco de controle do núcleo do TROPIX edusr - gerencia as contas/senhas eject - ejeta o meio removível de um dispositivo Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 50 ex - editor visual de textos exportfs - lista/atualiza a tabela "exports" do NFS fdc - calculador de mesa com aritmética flutuante fdisk - imprime e/ou modifica a tabela de partições de um disco fdformat - formata disquetes file - tenta identificar o conteúdo de um arquivo finger - obtém informações sobre usuários remotos fsck - verifica a consistência de sistemas de arquivos fsdefrag - melhora a alocação dos blocos de um sistema de arquivos fsname - consulta/atualiza nomes/volumes de sistemas de arquivos ftp - programa de cópia remota de arquivos da INTERNET gar - utilitário para a criação/atualização de coleções de arquivos grep - busca de padrões em arquivos gunzip - comprime ou expande arquivos gzip - comprime ou expande arquivos help - imprime resumos de utilização de comandos hpprint - impressor para HP DeskJet (PCL) ifdef - realiza préprocessamentos parciais includes - descobre arquivos incluídos kill - envia sinais a processos lasttime - lista os nomes de arquivos modificados recentemente lc - lista o conteúdo de diretórios ld - link-editor de módulos objeto ldshlib - carrega/descarrega uma biblioteca compartilhada linkoptim - substitui arquivos duplicados por elos físicos ln - cria elos físicos ou simbólicos para arquivos ls - lista características de arquivos e conteúdos de diretórios mail - recebe ou envia cartas do correio eletrônico make - gerenciador de manutenção de programas man - mostra um manual na tela do terminal/vídeo/janela mkdev - cria/atualiza os dispositivos de "/dev" mkdir - cria diretórios mkfifo - cria FIFOs mkfs - gera um sistema de arquivos mklib - cria/atualiza bibliotecas de módulos objeto mknod - cria um arquivo especial mount - monta um sistema de arquivos mv - move (troca o nome de) arquivos mvtree - move (troca o nome) de uma árvore/diretório nettime - obtém a data/hora corrente de um nó remoto nice - executa um comando com prioridade modificada nm - imprime a tabela de símbolos de módulos objeto nohup - executa um comando imune ao sinal SIGHUP pallwd - imprime todos os diretórios correntes passwd - altera a senha do usuário paste - une linhas de vários arquivos ping - teste de acesso a um nó remoto pop3 - acessa uma caixa postal remota através do protocolo POP3 pr - imprime arquivos prdisktb - Imprime a tabela de discos/partições prsync - imprime o estado da sincronização dos processos ps - imprime informações sobre processos pwd - imprime o diretório corrente reboot - Encerra o uso do TROPIX, e recarrega o computador rlogin - entra em sessão em um nó remoto rm - Remove arquivos rmdir - remove diretórios rmtree - remove árvores Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 51 sbvol - controla o volume da placa de som SB-16 sbwave - Toca música PCM através da placa de som SB-16 semafree - libera o semáforo pelo qual o processo está esperando setmode - atribui as proteções corretas aos arquivos do sistema sh - interpretador de comandos show - mostra um arquivo na tela do terminal shutdown - reinicializa o computador após um certo tempo size - imprime tamanhos e características de módulos objeto sleep - suspende a execução por um intervalo de tempo sort - ordena e/ou intercala arquivos sroff - formatador de textos strip - remove as tabelas de símbolos de módulos-objeto stty - consulta/altera parâmetros de terminais/vídeos su - muda de conta temporariamente subst - busca/substitui cadeias em vários arquivos sync - Atualiza os blocos do cache nos discos sysmap - desenha um mapa de uso de alguns recursos do sistema (programa gráfico) tac - descompila a descrição instalada de um terminal/ vídeo tail - obtém a parte final de um arquivo tcmpfrom - comparação/atualização remota de árvores (caminhando árvores remotas) tcmpto - comparação/atualização remota de árvores (caminhando árvores locais) tcpfrom - cópia remota de árvores (caminhando árvores remotas) tcpto - cópia remota de árvores (caminhando árvores locais) tee - copia a entrada padrão para diversos arquivos e a saida padrão telnet - comunica com um nó remoto utilizando o protocolo TELNET test - testa propriedades de arquivos textmap - imprime uma tabela de programas reentrantes em uso tic - compila e instala a descrição de um terminal/vídeo touch - Modifica os tempos de arquivos tpipe - escreve arquivos remotos na saída padrão tr - traduz caracteres tty - imprime o nome do terminal/vídeo umount - desmonta sistemas de arquivos uname - imprime a identificação do sistema uniq - indica linhas repetidas de um arquivo untext - libera os recursos de programas reentrantes uptime - fornece o tempo decorrido desde o último "boot" vi - editor visual de textos walk - caminha em árvores do sistema de arquivos wc - contador de páginas, linhas, palavras e caracteres who - informa quem está no sistema write - escreve mensagens para um outro usuário xcoremap - desenha um mapa de alocação da memória (programa gráfico) xclock - relógio analógico (programa gráfico) xcpu - desenha o gráfico de uso da CPU xd - "dump" em hexadecimal e ISO xdefrag - Melhora a alocação dos blocos de um sistema de arquivos T1 xedit - editor de textos simples para o sistema X-Window xfm - gerenciador gráfico de arquivos xmandel - desenha as imagens fractais de Mandelbrot xpop3 - acessa uma caixa postal remota através do Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08 INSTALL (ref) TROPIX: Installation Guide Pag. 52 protocolo POP3 xpaint - mostra uma imagem (gif, jpeg, bmp ou xpm) em uma janela (programa gráfico) xterm - Emulador de terminal ANSI para X-Window ziptool - ferramenta para dispositivos Iomega ZIP Version 4.9.0 Updated 10:12:08
I am downloading it, I don't know yet... Qemu? Bochs? Virtual PC? Some kind of 486+ emulator
What Runs?
lynx I think.
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